=_— Produced with a Performing Ans Fund grant from the r volunteers Tih ape nh: D O U ei. AS STU DE NTS’ UN ION i su cs As 3 is i) te aaa are Local 18 — Canadian Federation of Students en oo = ALON Free perforamancein the Laura: Muir Titeate Wed. June 20, 7-8:15pmedoonsapen at opi UU aD URC STON Rah cea Meche ehes collage The event BOLL be | ‘ln neti MULE Ter nd ane peri p ii Prine ian outs ga _ 4 4 1 5 ‘ ath io - 1 ' f - a | DOUGLAS|STUDENTSJUNION e SS : ‘ie Local 18'— Canadian Federation/of Students | i al w= we = te eee st ath cea ok eal ah eh ehh Adin = aw ac oo oe a a ee | j = ed a od eel a oe ee ial — oe =e os eal / were siti dian ileal slat lial cat al www.DSU18.ca fi Douglas Students Union &4 @DSULocal18