Page 6 The Other Press : November 12 Kwantlen Ski Club Kwantlen College kr Cr mb) tartin & “p ; muites you to a ue a a We and | ney eam. Cheese Party | Monday Nov. 16th Surrey Campus Rm S205 7:30pm | Z : Tuesday Nov. 17th Ri g . Nowif we could ohave some snow re, anne Ng Sel tr Exciting Ski Films and Guest Speakers. FEET ee a a | by Ian Hunter Though Douglas does not have its own. ski. club, Carrie -Randall, Kwantlen ski club president, is. invit- ing all Douglas College student interested in form- ing their own ski club to the Kwantlen club's’ wine and cheese party Nov. 16 in room §205, Kwantlen Col- lege and Nov. 17 in Rich- mond campus, room 406 (upstairs).. Both events are at 7:30 pm. ET IY ST SO As well as food and drink, there will be ski films featuring downhill racing, free style skiing and a slide presentation on Blackcomb j Mountain. There will also be guest speakers from the various mountains, tour ' companies and a represent- ative from Ski Americard. The ski club plans trips ; this year to Apex Alpine, January 3rd to 8th, Lake Tahoe, Feb. 25th to 28th and a return to Apex for a weekend in March. Randall, will take membership fees ' and the deposit for the a neem = Apex Alpine pat the it you think pads and ro ers” are at the Richmond student scety a arate! or just a California craze, continued from page 1 you’ re not ready for New Memorex. eeeoiehisttalahd inac- Pads and rollers are key com- dramatically reduce wear, : METAL IV, don’t forget the impor- ieatice: Seals’ rar ce ponents of a cassette’s tape Our unique ultra-low-friction tance of those pads and rollers. Coane OF police,” teads transport system. polyolefin wafers help precision- Enjoy the music as the tape glides ieee i6.cxtretie ndlutions This system guides the tape molded hubs dispense and unerringly across the head. Se ioult iimes. past your deck’s tape head.It must —_ gather tape silently and uniformly, __ And remember: getting it there “The god that failed Sov- do so with unerring accuracy. play after play. Even after 1,000 is half the fun. iet communism is beginning And no cassette does it more plays. to show certain signs of accurately than totally new In fact, dur new reserrection,’’ he said. Memorex. Memorex cas- In a question period fol- sette will always lowing the lecture, Cruise deliver true O'Brien reminded the aud- sound reproduc- ience not to lose sight of tion, or we'll the theme of his discourse in their concern over his replace it. Free. Of course, re- remarks on the disarm- Roller precision is critical. production that true : - oe is a ment issue. and that enduring wan race (roe alt “The centre was not nuc- The new Memorex tape trans- owes a lot to Per- ret Ea ae lear’ disarmament,’’ he port system is precision engi- mapass ™ our extraor- a said. ‘‘The centre was the exacting tolerances. dinary new binding mmr connection between litera- Flanged, seamless rollers guide process. It even owes a md ture, religion and politics.’’ the tape effortlessly and exactly. little to our unique new Q SEN. =— An oversize pad hugs the tape to fumble-free storage album. NOW MORE THAN EVER > ae the tape head with critical pres- But when you record on new WE ASK: IS ITLIVE, ORISIT _..° Sure: firm enough for precise Memorex, whether it’s HIGH alignment, gentle enough to BIAS Il, normal bias MRX | or MEMOREX Cc 1981, Memorex Corporation, Santa Clara, California 95052, U.S.A /