| - S] a | December 2008 IN Douglas College The Douglas College Newsletter | New Westminster Campus, David Lam Campus, Surrey Training Centre Sixteen recent retirees celebrated at last month's Retirement Dinner. From left, back row: Kevin Barrington- Foote, Music; Jean-Louis Girard, Computer Science and Information Systems; Jo-Anne Webb, Library; Mary Burns, Creative Writing; Nick Parker, Purchasing; Judy Thomas, Finance; Tom Childs, Library; and Nick Mansfield, Sociology. From left, front row: Margaret Murray, Administration; Heather Harrison, Purchasing; Drena McCormack, Student Development; Fariyal Dhirani, Health Care Support Worker; Jan Bromley, English as a Second Language; Eleanore Dunn, Library; and Norma Goldie, General Nursing. Missing: Kathryn Cernauskas, Music. 4 What's the punchline? Three College Board executive assistants, present and past, caught up with one another and had a laugh at the Retirement Dinner. From left, current Board Executive Assistant Shelagh Donnelly, recent retiree Margaret Murray and Gena Ballantyne. Presidential search underway Douglas College President Susan Witter is set to retire in July 2009. A presidential search website will be set up and running early this month. College President Susan Witter recently announced her intention to retire after July 1, 2009. She will have concluded more than 30 years of service to public post-secondary education in British Columbia, including 11 years as this College's president. On advising the College Board of her plans, Witter requested that the Board — in accordance with the College and Institute Act — begin the search process for a new president. The Board recognizes this search as one of its most significant responsibilities and, as part of the process, Board Chair Andrew Taylor has asked the BC Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) and Douglas College Faculty Association (DCFA) to appoint their representatives to collaborate with Board members and others in forming the Presidential Advisory Search Committee (PSAC). The PSAC, which held its first meeting in late November, will reflect the constituencies of Douglas College. Membership includes four College Board members — who will also serve on the Board Steering Employees say ‘so long Douglas College bid farewell to 33 employees from 21 departments at the annual Retirement Dinner last month. Over 130 people, including new and past retirees along with their guests, celebrated together on November 7 at the New Westminster Campus. Recent retirees were presented with a gift and warm words from their supervisors. “Tt was a lovely evening for people to have a nice dinner and chat with their colleagues. Speeches were short and sweet and the upper cafeteria was truly transformed that night,” says Yvonne Mostert, administrative assistant, External Relations and Administration, who helped organize the event. This year’s retirees are: Kevin Barrington-Foote Music Claudia Beaven Jeanette (Jan) Bromley Mary Burns Joyce Cameron Kathryn Cernauskas Tom Childs Jean Cockburn Carole Colvin Fariyal Dhirani Robert Dramer Eleanore Dunn Linda Forsythe Wihelmina Gervasio Catherine Gibney Jean-Louis Girard Norma Goldie Heather Harrison Thomas Joyce Linda Lanza Lou Rene Legge Margo Lott Terry Loughrey Nicholas Mansfield Drena McCormack Margaret Murray Elsie Neufeld Nick Parker Eija Peitso Joan Schafer Susan Swanson Judy Thomas Jo-Anne Webb Psychology English as a Second Language Creative Writing Developmental Studies Music Library Library Office Administration Health Care Support Worker Developmental Studies Library Developmental Studies General Nursing Registrars Office Computing Science & Info Systems General Nursing Purchasing English Training Group Sport, Recreation and Wellness Finance English as a Second Language Sociology Student Development Administration Developmental Studies Purchasing Biology Office Administration Early Childhood Education Finance Library Committee (BSC), which, on behalf of the Board, is responsible for the search process — as well as one student, one BCGEU member, seven DCFA members and three College administrators. This advisory committee will be supported by two ex-officio members, the associate vice president, employee relations, and the executive assistant to the College Board. The PSAC will work closely with and be assisted by an executive search consultant, to be selected through an online BC Bid Request for Proposal (RFP) process that closed November 24. The Board Steering Committee (BSC) anticipates that the consulting firm will be selected by mid-December, with advertising beginning in January 2009. A candidate shortlist should be developed by February-March 2009, with interviews taking place by late Spring 2009. To keep the College community and interested parties informed on the process and timelines, a Presidential Search website will be established by early December.