b= r 1 —.. . follo 4 _ DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES At its Nayeute® 20th meeting, the ‘Management Gonmderée endorsed | the academic year. Educational Policy & Planning ‘Committee Education & Services Finance, Facilities & Personnel comnts eee staff eadggatcdbr & Peat Negotiations - DKFA . Negotiations - BCGEU Douglas College Student Trust — Coquitlams New Westminster Burnaby Maple Ridge Chambers of Commerce: Sy hp 1 Open House Committee Educational Leave Labour/Management - - BCGEU ; ‘Labour/Management - DKFA : Student Society Liaison College Curriculum Coordinating Committee ‘Appeals Committee ng assignment of ‘committee/fv “ur members, for the balance of this academic Yeaks and G.W. Gilgan” M.H. Morfey ode. Doerr - 9. Clement. T. Clement G.W. Gilgan _J. Doerr J. Doerr/ M.H. Morfey 'R. Duke G.W. Gilgan T. Clement. J. Doerr G.W. Gilgan J. Doerr G. DellaMattia | tT: Clement G. “DellaMattia 6. DellaMattia G. DellaMattia ction responsibilities to its for the 1985/86 TeGheseet M. Fis Morfey “J. Doerr T: a ement. G.W. Gilgan T. Clement J Doerr DellaMattia/ a Morfey T. Clement G.W. Gil gan J. Doerr T. Clement: “G.W. Gilgan G.W. Gilgan : & DellaMattia G. Del laMattia | 'G. DellaMattia G. DellaMattia G. Gilgan REVISED November 21, 1984.