BILINGUAL CONFERENCE British Columbia Parents for French ls: a proven: chapter of Canadian Parents for French whose pyEpose ice to ensure that every Canadian child has the opportunity for French language instruction. With French Immersion students now numbering over 10,000 in British Columbian schools, B.C. Parents for French would like to examine the Opportunities for French language instruction that await these stud- ents at the post-secondary level. Immersion students, after 8 years of epeneinety instruction, almost. 80% in French, and options in Soci- al Studies, Science and Consumer Courses in French at the secondary level, will need more than the French Language and Literature courses presently offered. B.C. Parents for French is sponsor- ing a post-secondary Bilingual Edu- cation Conference in May. In con- qupetten with this conference, . -C,P.F. has established a committee to investigate the present status and future t ossibilities of French education at the post-secondary level. The committee is now circul- ating a questionnaire to identify resent university and college eae staff, fluent _in French, who would be interested in teaching a course within their department using French as the language of in- Struction. The questionnaire, to be distributed by Department Chairmen, wth Peay an important role in the committee's investigation into post- secondary bilingual education. Your comments on the questionnaire will be very welcome. Please respond. GOODBYE AND BEST WISHES Anne Howard, our Community Program- mer for Health and Business, is leaving us effective April 2. Anne will be taking Me a new posi- tion as Organization Effectiveness Consultant for Alberta Gas Ethylene Company in Red Deer, Alberta. Anne has worked with us_since May, 1981; first at the Royal Columbian/ Douglas Education Centre, and then at the Royal Avenue site, and has _MAD HATTER PAGE 5 DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES SS ee id a atl 1 pioneered many new courses and pro-. grams in both the Health and Busi- ness fields. | Anne's leadership will be missed in|! the Division and in the College. Bon voyage, Anne! | ATHLETICS AND INTRAMURALS | Casino_and Bingo Nite was most suc- cessful due to the efforts of the | coaches and athletes who volun- | teered their time during the even- oo. A big thank you to Jesse | Sehdu, whose organizational help I could not have done without and to Chris Johnson who, as.a Bingo cal- ler, was definately without compar- | ison. We are already planning for | next year and any suggestions for improving our fund-raising attempts would be appreciated. The body-building clinic was held Saturday morning, 9a.m. to noon, ! March 17 and although the attend- ance was not pode those who met Mar Merin, president of the Western Amateur BOY Building Association, are now on their eens to the land of peoy beautiful, I have noticed. that _ new aerobic and weight training facilities are offering similar clinics which are free to their mem bers and are apparently very _suc- cessful. If everyone who indicated their desire to attend a weight- training clinic (and didn't) would | send me a memo re: change of mind, then perhaps we would see a few im- | pe veuer te down in this end of the building. Remember that these fac-— ilities are here for you as | the students, and until the demand is there, the dynavit bike, tread- mill (electric), weights etc., will remain locked up! Badminton will continue on Thurs- days, 7 to 10p.m., as _ well _as Mon- days with Robin Ryan from 3 to epem- Play during both times is strictly recreational. | Tennis lessons are on again this spring and we will be using Simco | Park and the gym whenever it looks as if the tennis balls will soak up too much water. Give me a call at local 5338 if | Lt you are interested in pot eee Aen on peeeusys 4:45 to (six lessons for $10). The badminton players who attended