MAD HATTER PAGE 4 « HAPPENINGS WEDNESDAY MARCH 10 ISSUES IN DYING, DEATH AND AFTER: Mr. Bruyns will explore issues of past lives and present effects. Place: Kwantlen College, Surrey Campus, Rm, 419 Time: 1915-2100 Fee: FREE THURSDAY MARCH 11 BABIES CAN LEARN TOO! SECTION II (1-2 YEARS) Place: Hyde Creek Rec. Centre 1930-2200 Sessions: 2 $15 Time: Fee: FRIDAY MARCH 12 IMPROVING YOUR MEDIA IMAGE Explore ways to gain access to the media to serve your organization's needs. Place: East Burn Rec. Centre Time: Fri. 1800-2200 Sat. 0930-1700 Fee: $30 (includes Fri. dinner) SATURDAY MARCH 13 MAKING T.V. WORK FOR YOU This workshop will introduce members of community groups and agencies to the various ways T.V. can be used effectively. Place: McBride Time: 0900-1600 Fee: $30 THE GRASS IS GREENER...WHERE IT'S WATERED A look at needs identification and helping the participant learn how to meet their own needs. Place: McBride 0930-1630 $30 Time: Fee: WEN-DO INTERMEDIATE Designed for women who have taken the basic Wen-do self defense course and who want to review skills. Place: Hyde Creek Rec. Centre 1000-1700 $16 Time: Fee: SKILLS FOR HIKERS SERIES: ESSENTIAL SAFETY AND SURVIVAL FOR HIKERS Students will learn essential safety precautions related to hiking. Place: McBride 0900-1200 $6 per session, $30 per series Time: Fee: SUNDAY MARCH 14 INTENSIVE SUNDAY FRENCH SESSION 2 Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Place: McBride Time: 1000-1400 Sessions: 6 Fee: $60 MONDAY MARCH 15 QUESTIONS IN PSYCHOLOGY SERIES: LECTURE 3: Modern Therapy: What does it promise? Burnaby Arts Centre 1930-2130 $5 per session, $18 per series Place: Time: Fee: