opnewseditor@gmail.com The Minister's New Shoes JJ McCullough, Investigative Reporter This week, Josh Upton asks, “Why do finance ministers always buy new shoes for budget day?” A couple of weeks ago BC’s finance minister, Carole Taylor, touched off a minor firestorm of protest when it was revealed that she had purchased a $600 pair of pumps prior to publicly revealing the province’s 2006 budget. To many, the act reeked of vanity and extravagance, and indeed, poor taste in general. Though one can certainly debate the necessity of such expensive footwear, according to tradition, the minister did nothing wrong. For at the last few decades, it has been an established political custom in Canada: Every finance minister must purchase—and wear—new shoes immediately before presenting a new budget before the parliament. Why? Well, surprisingly, no one seems to know. Acctording to the official website of the Library of Parliament in Ottawa, even their crack team of investiga- tors has been unable to determine the origins of the tradi- tion, despite having phoned every surviving finance minis- ter in the country. All the library officials were able to determine was that the tradition started in 1966 with Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp. Sharp himself died in 2004, so he can no longer offer much help in solving the mystery. There are rumours, however. One common interpreta- tion holds that the fashion-conscious Sharp simply felt like buying new shoes for his big budget day, and the practice only evolved into a full blown tradition when Jean Chrétien became finance minister several years later. Since Chrétien was a political rookie in those days, the other politicians often enjoyed playing pranks on him. The legend goes that a gang of mischievous MPs told Chrétien to buy new shoes for budget day, simply to see if he would be gullible enough to obey. He did, and since then so has everyone else. After all, as the old saying goes, “As goes Chrétien, so goes the nation.” Got a question that needs investigating? Email wart_mamu@yahoo.com Come in today or call 1-800-HRBLOCK Not a valid coupon. Get a coupon for a free medium Domino's Pizza with student tax preparation: H&R BLOCK "To qualify, student must present either (i) a T2202a documenting 4 or more months of full time attendance at a college or university during 2005 or (ii) a valid high school identification card. Offer and coupon expire June 30, 2006. Coupon valid for a medium one-topping pizza only at participating H&R Block locations in Canada.