February 18, 2004 From The Editor Midterms are upon us; some of us are done and some of us are just starting to read the required chapters. School is really important to me. Learning something and being intro- duced to concepts that are unknown to me is the reason why I attend school. But lately, there seems to be more pressing issues that need to be tended to and studying seems to have been unconsciously put on the back burner. There are so many things I am interested in and want to be a part of. Maybe the funda- mentals of school book learning have worn out their welcome, for me anyhow. The past four years introduced me to a vast amount of information I wouldn't have learned out in the “real world.” But maybe now I am finally ready to put my textbooks on the shelf... for good I have been working over the past few years as well as all the volunteer work and board positions I hold. I think that taking away the restrains of homework on the weekends and evenings, I will have the energy to apply to each of my interests more whole-heartedly. I feel like just a piece of me gets given to each of my interests and I would love the opportu- nity to be more involved. I just want to make the most of my time because you never know how much you have...not really. I don’t want to have any regrets. Now that this semester is rapidly com- ing to an end, and I will have completed two hard-earned diplomas from Douglas, I can reflect and know I made the right choice for the last four years but now it is time to move on. The chapter of school is over...well, almost. I think there may be some papers, labs, and exams required of me. So now I must start to plan for May. It will be interesting to see where the next four years of my life will take me. Interesting to see if the last four years will be a huge influence in my future, I love school and it’s sad that we have to part but I’m all learned up now! The next cou- ple months are going to fly by. Is anyone else graduating? What are your plans? Maybe we should start a support group because this tran- sition will be a rough one. We could meet on Saturdays in the cafeteria and reminisce about the good old days. What do ya think? Contents Mailbag 2 News = Student Action Day 4 “Window Dressing” Throne Speech Closes Doors to Students 4 Anti-Depressant Advisory 5 Canada’s Great Literacy Awards: Finalists Announced 5 Black History Month: A Time to Expand Your Horizons 6 Bowie Drummer Beaten for Speaking Truth in China Opinions Funding Farce in the Dentist’s Chair In The Pagoda Paparazzi Science Matters Stolen Words Janklow Sentenced is Justice Denied The Liberals, the Drunks, and the Booze Third Degree A Lesson Learned From the Province Newspaper on Student Activism? SC OOWDWDONNN st Wilson’s Section 12 If Mazatlan, Cancun, Puerta Vallarta and Acupulco are all you think Mexico has to offer, think again... ae Horoscopes 13 Word Search 13 Ski Story 13 Poetry Gallery 14 Poto[graphic] Culture 15 What’s On Around Town 15 This Week in (Motley Crue) History 16 Fanboy’s Corner 16 The Breakfast Club 17 A Tribe of One 17 Sylmarillion: Achieving New Depth in the World of Suck 18 The Decemberists 18 Cinematic Sweets Features 19 Can You Disappear 20 What'’s in a Name Sports 21 Blues tie the Clan! 21 Future Stars on the Big Court 21 Douglas Volleyball Rocked at Home 21 Off-the-Court: lan Hogan 22 Women’s Only Golf Workshops 22 Kudo’s to Kamloops 22 Flash’s Weekly 5 Fitness Tips 22 The Jury is Still Out! 22 Bollocks 22 BCCAA Weekend Scoreboard 22 Canucks’ Corner Classifieds 23 e the other press © The Other Press Submission Guidelines The weekly deadline for submissions is Wednesday for publication the following Wednesday. Letters to the Editor, vacant sections, and “time sensitive” arti- cles (weekend news, sports, and cultural reviews) will be accepted until Saturday noon and can be submit- ted to the editor at: the_editor57@hotmail.com All other submissions should be forwarded to the oi anno appropriate section editor. Please include your name, phone number/email address, the word count, and Features submit via email as an MS Word.doc attachment Sports to the attention of the appropriate editor. | Hiei Taki | Representative s Kelly Parry: kelly-parry@telus.net Kali Thurber: opinionsubmit@hotmail.com ture Amanda Aikman: submit_to_culture@yahoo.ca Barbara K. Adamski: featureseditor@otherpress.ca Adam Gordon: desportseditor@yahoo.ca Kim Meier: nocontrolling@hotmail.com http://www.otherpress.ca ¢ Page 3