“Other | faces Douglas Colleqe’s Autonomous Student New ae ape eoaeee > z= iz ca eee ele caw een age caw e ces ene © ii a A we a SRA eat aero Pape The Other Publications Society ge will be holding their Annual General Meeting on: | Thursday, November 28 12:00 Noon Room 1602 | eee Any Douglas College student in good standing may sign the O.P.S. membership book; but you must sign the book at least 24 hours before the meeting to vote in the Other Press office, room 1601 - Tenative Agenda will include: -constitution -Other business By Hlection for position of At Large Rep on the Other Publication gociety Board Nominations close Nov. 7 Election Nov 14 Any Douglas Student can run! Impress yor friends, get something neat to put on your resume, whet your appetite for unrestrained exercize of vast powet.....