IT (pays TO READ THE FINE PRINT: “For the 2007 Yaris Hatchback, J7923M (A) Monthly lease payments of $168 based on a 48-month walk away lease with $2,588 down at 4.9% APR. Total lease obligations are $10,652. Cash purchase price is $14,915. Lease payments are at a maximum of 96,000 km eae 48 months. If exceeded additional charges are 7e/km for Yaris Hatchback. The refundable security deposit is $200 for Yaris Hatchback. All offers include freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire fevy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax (where applicable) of: $1,115 for Yaris Hatchback. Federal and Provincial sales taxes are not included. Down pay and first pay quired on signing. tA security deposit is not required on all 2006 models, on approval of credit. tt Fuel consumption ratings from Natural Resources Canada office of Energy Efficiency — 2006 Fuel Consumption Guide. Monthly purchase finance plans are available from Toyota Financial Services on approved credit to qualified retail lessees / purchasers. **Graduate eligibility: must be graduating within 4 months, and the benefit of this plan can be taken advantage of up to 4 years after graduation. Contact 1-888-Toyota-8 or visit your Toyota BC Dealer for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may sell/lease for less. te = 1888-289 (09) J89.NS psesING OGZL 3HLN39 VLOAGL NMOLNMOG YIANOINVA VLOAOL JTHANVED 1LLd2-€92 (09) J8aNS 18SeI4 G9zZB , a in eh st Cp gas eli ttl nn =) S25 raat ae 29 ass = = ‘ ESm2 a2 & res : Moe RES gs 3 2088 +3 i ns —) oe | 2 92 s and of ab? cise 8 Aly a3 3 § 7 2 2 ¢ . _zae sags 82039 e2gs : : e523 3283 g<=¢ “EF § 2 ee F is F > m _# 3 S252 S2e8 | = $282 wees pa £3 3 2285] = S229 Re s te > 3 g Pe = = Be at ' : B26 gi8s 2 SE< gs298 & abe arg sees 8288 Sse*3 “eest i Zt y on a BE a = < azz @s4 ‘ rede 2288] / Gees fies rs Bigs 8233 sso: 3