Sn The basic student loan The provincial and tederal governments provide yearly loans to post-secondary students with demonstrated financial need. No payments or interest are due until six months afer leaving school. In British Columbia both the federal and the provincial programs are administered by the B.C. government. Application forms are available from all public post-secondary institutions. Work Study Che provincial government funds pari-time employment for students who need to carn extra money, Generally these jobs are related to some type of campus service (such as the library) or to a student's field of study. This program is administered by the Financial Assistance Offices at cach participating British Columbia post-secondary institution. Adult Basic Education Student Assistance Program (ABESAP) Direct financial assistance tor students completing Ingh school level programs ata community college. * . Bursaries and Scholarships A variety of bursaries and scholarships are administered by post-secondary institutions in British Columbia. As a rule bursaries are awarded on the basis of financial need and scholarships on the basis of achievement. Funds for these awards come from private donors, foundations. corporations, service organizations, government, and from individual universities, colleges, and institutes. Theres more to Student Assistance than just Student Loans Student loans are the foundation of student financial assistance in British Columbia. A number of other programs to supplement these loans are also provided by government, post-secondary institutions and private sources. These programs put money directly in the hands of students with demonstrated financial need, New programs to reduce student loan debt Last spring three new programs to reduce student loan debt were unveiled by the British Columbia Minister of Advaneed Education and Job Training. Stanley B. Hagen. These programs, which are based on financial need, melude: Supplemental Funds: provide direet assistance to Adult Basic Education college students preparing for post secondary training. This assistance helps reduce the level of student debt by reducing the need to borrow, Equalization: provides direet finance assistiice to students in their first year of past secondary study. This program is targeted at those students whose financial needs are the greatest. [ln August 1988 this will be extended to also include students entering second year, Like the Supplemental Fund, Equalization reduces the level of student debt by reducing the need to borrow Loan Remission: reduces student loun debt of new graduates to a maximum $12,000 regardless of the anrount borrawed. This limit os raised tog total of $ 16.000 aller a second degree. These new programs require students to make a personal contribution during the summer™ by working, studying or volunteering in the community. *sunimier or any pre-term break longer than thirty days Find out more! Contact the Financial Assistance Office at this institution or write to: Student Assistance ¢/o Parliament Buildings Victoria, British Columbia V8V IX4 ESTMENT ally, Jor the gee LUTURE Ministry of Advanced Education and Job Training “Skills for Life” HONOURABLE STANLEY 8. HAGEN, MINISTER j2