ONE OF OUR OWN "One of Our Own", a story of a retarded teenage boy and his struggle to become self-reliant, will be aired Wednesday, Oct. 3 at 8:30 p.m. on CBC. The production stars 17-year-old David / McFarlane, who actually has Down's Syndrome (mongolism) in real life. FREE LEO PUPPIES Homes wanted for white and beige, soft and cuddly, (naturally) cute Leo puppies born Aug. 15. Available after Oct. 3. Terrier and Dachshund cross. Healthy, good tempered and intelligent. Call Linda at 588-0742. ee NOTICE TO FACULTY Our department provides programs and exercises for the improvement of spelling skills. See Sharry Ladbrook, Richmond Campus; Al Atkinson, New West Campus or Sandra Carpenter, Surrey Campus. -ee. Sherry Ladbrook The Mad Hatter is a Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the Spring and Fall semester, bi-monthly in the Summer semester, by Douglas College, P. 0. Box 2503, New Westminster. ‘Deadline for submissions is Thursday, noon, each week. For further ® information contact Melanie Falcon, Surrey Campus, Local 283.