with their sandal clad feet” says Jo- Anne. She thought perhaps this was an old Japanese custom and decided to ask about it, but soon found out that in fact it was not a custom, they just couldn't get the crab claws open. Jo-Anne is a very friendly and happy person/server and feels comfortable enough that she can place a hand on a customer's shoulder, if she is reaching over the person to put a drink on the table. Or she might quickly place her hand on someone's back if she needs to ask them something. So without treating the wrestlers any differently than. the rest of her customers, she happened to touch some | a JIM CHLIBOYKO or a bunch of guys still bruised and - hurting from the last basho—which had finished just two weeks before their Canadian adventure—the 38 tikishi seemed to be in decent a Of course, the restling was of a pretty onservative nature. There erent any desperate flail- ings, or too many savage ounter-attacks. That ould be a little much for an exhibi- ion bout, or “koen.” As well, there ere still echoes resounding from the ast basho when wrestlers were knock- of the Japanese wrestlers a couple of times. It turned out that touching a Japanese man is good luck. So you may be thinking that Jo-Anne was doing a good job. Then you must think again. It.is bad luck if a female does the touching. It is only good luck if a male touches the wrestlers, or so she was politely told. After the appetizers, full entrée and dessert, one of the Japanese wrestlers was still hungry. He motioned for her to come over and he attempted to tell her something in English, but his accent was so heavy that even after four ~ Gian Biase noble seconv ing themselves out of contention left and right with bad injuries. One of the more notable things about this basho was that it was recent- ly-promoted yokozuna Wakanohana’s attempts Jo-Anne could only make out that whatever he wanted started with an “H.” She took a guess, and hoped that what he was requesting was hot dogs. A further problem was that the menu only offered a miniature, kids version of a real hot dog. Jo-Anne made the executive decision to give him two hot dogs to make up the full size of a real hot dog. She handed the little hot dogs to the wrestler and hoped that was what he was hungry for. She couldn't tell by his expression if she was right, but he was polite enough to eat it. Yokozuna dental exam. Akebono thoughtfully checks Wakanohana’a gums. Takanohana (lower right) looks on. first at the highest rank. He got to perform the solemn ring entrance of the grand champion, or “dohyo iri,” for the first time prior to a tournament, exhibition or otherwise. And then there was the fight- ing. The koen consisted of two full days of fighting. Taka takes weekend CUp veces Akebono comes in a would fight the champion of the second day (assum- ing they were different fighters) and then the koen’s champion would be crowned Sunday afterggon. With 32 jet-lagged was anybody’s prize. The rikishi impressed the crowd immediately. After the lead-up to the fighting, which inclitd SUMO July 1998