Me SS SS SS eS SS SS SS SS SS 8 SS ee = eee _——.- oe? i Other Press Page 2 January 21, 1987 - —Other Editorials— The Other Press Cos The Other Press is a demo- cratically run, autonomous student newspaper serving Douglas College since 1976. It publishes 16 times a semester, once a week, under the auspi- ces of The Other Publications Society. Our funding comes by way of a direct student levy paid at registration and through local and national ad- vertising. The Other Press is a mem-ber of the Canadian University Press and sub- scribes to it’s statement of principles. OPS Board of Directors Chairperson: Vacant Member at Large: Vacant Member at Large: Vacant Staff Representative: John McDonald Staff Representative: Kirstin Shaw Business Manager: Mark Roberts ‘Other Press Staff Production Co-ordinator: John McDonald Typesetting Co-ordinator: Jeff House Production Assistants: Rob Hancock Jennifer Whiteside Copy Editor: Vacant News Co-ordinator: Vacant Editorial Co-ordinator: Vacant Entertainment Co-ordinator: Vacant Features Co-ordinator: Vacant Classifieds Co-ordinator: Vacant Sports Co-ordinator: Vacant Recruitment Co-ordinator: Vacant Graphics Co-ordinator: Vacant Photographic Co-ordinator: Vacant Contributors: Dean MacPherson To the students: Well those Yeti’s have done it again, this time Big White was the innocent one. The Big White Yeti ski trip started out as a very active and hyper bus trip, all eight and a half hours, but the trip was well worth the hours. — Unfortunately the ski condit- ions weren’t the best on Satur- day. Limited visibility. On the chair up one could only see ab- out 2 chairs coming down. All one had to remember was to watch out for the black blobs and they would be fine. Sunday heavy clouds _ infec- ted the top of the mountain, only the top, though, from the lodge down it was clear. One thing for sure it was cold on the mountain on Sunday. Brrr. The Students of Douglas College: Throughout Douglas Col- lege, students may find blue boxes containing “The Other Press”, the college’s student newspaper. These boxes or pil- es, are located near the library, bookstore, cafeterias and elev- ators. Often, there are several cop- ies remaining after the publish- ing date. Students. may still ob- tain a copy of the “Other Press” Dec. 12th, 1986 edition. How- ever, many remaining copies indicates that either the “Other Press” prints too many or most students do not read the paper and in turn do not wish to be informed of current college events, such as the athloetic levy debate between Della Mattia (Dean of Educational and Student Services), ~ the Athletic departments director Betty Lou Hayes, some mem- bers of the Student Society and their opponents Petra Bange- man (Social Sciences Rep) and Chris Lirette (Treasurer) among a few. Without reading the last edi- tion of the move to charge yet another mandatory fee on all Douglas Colleges students. The “Athletic Levy” would cost all students $1.00 per course up to a maximum of $5.00. The mon- Now the more memorable parts of the trip: - Congratulations to the th- ree guys who won the Fosters slalom contest, all Douglas College. - 65 Douglas College Yeti’s danced on one table and set a record in the local bar. - Fall of the week award goes to D.J. Lawrence. - Bruce now knows how to ski around the trees. - Darren & Ernie better watch the legs, hope they heal quick- ly. - Some advice: Never fall asl- eep on a Yeti ski trip on the way home. You never know what might happen, right Rob & Lori? Well, see you next trip! A Yeti at small ey would finance the athletic team’s trips (mainly medical and transportation expenses). The athletic students involved should raise their own funds, instead of expecting all to pay for an event that only a small percentage of students use. Moreover, the college should not be expected to pay, since this could invite higher tuition fees. i Once the Athletic department has passed a levy, how long will it be before the Music, Theater and other departments ‘follow suit?! To those students who are opposed to paying extra dol- lars for a department and equi- pment that you do not use -- make your feelings known: write to the “Other Press”, speak to someone in the Stu- dent Society (Rm. 2780) and sign the petition that is circulat- ing Douglas College at this very moment! Without speaking up and standing together, do not com- plain when you are charged ex- tra $$ next registration day. I remember the words of one poet who said: “God (or whomever you recognize) cr- eated us with two ends, one to think with and one to sit on, our success depends upon which one we use the most.” by Sarah Tessaro Other Press Douglas College’s Autonomous Student Newspaper Tt aifit over till i i‘ Tt aint over till it’s over lt we. lose. GANEA~_ 0186 Chris Brown YOGI BERRA vs, ToM WATT John McKeachie showed this cartoon by the OP’s own Chris Brown on the BCTV sportscast on Dec. 23, 1986. Our con- gratulations to Chris.