Page 2 636 SIXTH AVE. “NEW WESTMINSTER 5261411 Registration issue January1983 : The Other Press - COMMUNITY @ CREDIT UNION | a 1.W.A. AND COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Boek’ ¢ Amount of bursary - $500.00. © Student must be a member of the 1.W.A. and Community Credit Union. © Awards are available for study only at Douglas College. e If you are not eligible under the terms of the award, you must notify the Awards Office in writing. © Unless otherwise provided, to be eligible you must be registered in at least 80% of a full program stud\ Hours of Business: Closed Mondays Open Tuesday- Thursday 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Open Friday - 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Open Saturday - 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Resitiren . 1188-8th Avenue 13636 Grosvenor Road New Westminster, B.C. Surrey, B.C. V3R5C9 V3M2R6 —_525-0491 585-1541 FIRST CAPITAL CITY The First Capital City Development Company Ltd. There is new life in downtown New West. Drop into the FCC ANSWER CENTRE, 648 Carnarvon. Find out about the exciting downtown and waterfront redevelopment program - of which Douglas College is an important part. Open: Monday to Friday 9 - 4:30 Phone:525-0144 The First Capital City Development Company Limited is a cooperative venture between the City of New Westminster and the British Columbia Development Corporation. A short time ago The Other Press refused an ad deal @ worth $300 from our national ad co-operative Campus Plus. The ad was from the South African company ‘‘De Beers’’ urging us to spend two months salary on a diamond because ‘‘What’s more important than the woman you love.’’ We found this combination of sexist advertising and racist ecconomics hard to take and harder to promote in a supposidly ‘‘aware’’ student newspaper. The ad did serve, however, to raise the awareness on staff of how much of a rip-off diamonds are...especially considering that the only reason we buy them is to satisfy a societal need that didn’t exist before De Beers came out with the most successful advertising snowjob in the world with the phrase ‘‘A diamond is forever’ in the 1890’s. By printing the parody of the origional ad we want to do our part in the debunking of the diamond myth.