Fuck it, it’S PoCo 5 in sin. The “CrackAllister” apartments he day I realized I live in a fucked up town was the day a midget and a pregnant lady carrying a 24-case attacked me at a bus stop. It was a warm summer night, and I was sitting at the bench just waiting for the bus, chatting up this girl I had met. I was just minding my own business, when a man no taller than 5’2, but built like Gimli, the Dwarf from Lord of the Rings, pulled me off the bench and threw me on to the sidewalk without saying a word. Being the skinny guy I am, I went down without much of a fight. “What in the fuck are you looking at?” he said once I was on the ground. He had one of his hands on the collar of my shirt, the other cocked back, ready to deprive me of a few of my teeth. His woman, about 10 feet behind him, had placed the 24-case of Molson Canadian on the pavement, and was cracking her knuckles. She was getting ready for a scrap fo’ sho. “T said, what the fuck’re you looking at?!” he said again, : this time yelling. I had no answer for the » enraged little X person. “Uhhh... ubbh..,” [ stammered. “Uhhh? UHHH?!” he yelled back at me, throwing my stupid answer back in my face. I had nothing else to say. I could do nothing but look at that cocked fist, which was now the Sword of Damocles, waiting to fall on me and make short work of my face. A brief pause. And then the midget let go of my collar, letting the back of my head drop to the pavement. He got up and turned to his woman. “Let’s go, babe,” he said. The pregnant lady, ready to jump in and help her man beat the shit out of me, just grabbed the 24-case, and strode past me without even looking down at my body sprawled on the pavement. I looked up towards the chick I was talking to, who was still seated at the bench. “Don’t worry; if they tried anything, I would’ ve fucked “em up,” she said. Odds are, if you live in Port Coquitlam (a.k.a. Pot Coquitlam, PoCo, The P.O.C., or PoCompton), something like that has happened to you too. It’s just one of those things you sort of become accustomed to. Being mugged, seeing wild packs of stray dogs, being propositioned by crackwhores—for PoCo residents, it ain’t no thang. When some bizarre shit goes down, or things really don’t go your way, there’s a wise old proverb in my town: “Fuck it, it’s PoCo.” Ever since I was attacked by the gruesome twosome at that bus stop, I notice I’ve been using that proverb a lot. When J tell the midget story to someone who doesn’t live in PoCo, they either don’t believe me (it’s true, I swear!) or they tell me, “You know, PoCo’s not so bad.” Really? Sure, I guess it could be worse, but then again, so could crucifixion (hey, at least it’s not upside-down crucifixion). But really, PoCo’s a hole. If you live there, your greatest dream is to leave, and if you don’t live there, your greatest dream is to keep on not living there. Really, why would you want to live in PoCo? The nightlife is limited to the Cat and Fiddle, a pub known as B.C.’s premiere spot for overpriced drinks and undercooked food. The crime problem is getting atrocious; just last week my girlfriend got her turn signals stolen right off the front of her car (I know, what kind of bizarre crackheads do that?). I guess shitty pubs and petty crime doesn’t make PoCo really that much different from any other suburb in Metro Vancouver, but it comes back to that attitude, that attitude that says, “Fuck it, it’s PoCo.” That’s the attitude we have that stops anything from improving in this town. It’s an attitude that says we don’t care, and that frankly, this place doesn’t matter to us, because our only real connection to it is cheap real estate. Dilapidated schools? Fuck it, it’s PoCo. Parks filled with teenage gangs and seedy characters? Fuck it, it’s PoCo. Unchecked development destroying any green space we have left? Fuck it, it’s PoCo. That’s the attitude that’s brought all these problems upon us, and it’s precisely the attitude that makes PoCo so disposable. I guess since I’ve said so many horrible things about this place, it’s only fair that you get an idea of what PoCo’s really like. For most people, PoCo’s just a place you have to drive through if you’re going to Maple Ridge. Most people go no deeper than whatever’s alongside the Lougheed Highway (lucky bastards). The main road off the Lougheed is Shaugnessy Street, the Champs-Elysees, if you will, of Port Coquitlam. Shaugnessy boasts such quaint boutiques as Safeway, Canadian Tire, a few dollar stores and about a half-dozen second hand places—trés magnifique, non? Going south down Shaugnessy, you’ ll find McAllister Avenue, home to the “CrackAllister Building,” PoCo’s sketchiest apartment block. A friend of mine used to live there, until there was a double-stabbing in the unit to his left, and a meth lab raid in the unit to his right both in the same week. Also on MacAllister is our fine city hall, workplace of Scott Young, the alcoholic mayor of our bucolic burg who’s frequently in trouble for (allegedly) beating his wife. Mayor Young, despite being convicted, is still staying on as mayor until the municipal election this year. What a trooper! It’s that never-give-up spirit that served him so well when he Continued Pg13