Mad Hatter Page 6 — a a a cover their losses and suffering. "Nobody will go without compensation. We have been given assurances that our bills will be paid," Timoffee says. According to provincial victim services co- ordinator Linda Light, the attorney-gener- als ministry will educate justice system personnel about victims' rights and to en- courage them to view the crime from vic- tims' eyes. "We're so careful about ensuring the rights of the offender. Theoretically the crime is against the state so the victim is sloughed off," she says. "But victims need information and sympathy.' ror more information, contact Const. Mike Kelly at 525-5411, local 217. College Philosophy A new philosophy and goals statement re- affirms Douglas College' s belief that edu- cation should have as few access restric- tions as possible, said college president Bill Day. "Education is terribly important in assur- ing a person's enjoyment and chances in life, and this document means we have to provide education on as wide a range as possible, Day said." The revised statement is the fruit of over eighteen months of review and debate in- volving all aspects of the college commun- ity, including faculty, students, staff and administration, said Day. The bulk of the changes were made in little | items, said Jean Hammer, a staff person and policy and procedure committee member at Douglas College. An example of one of the changes is the statement that provides for life long learning opportunities, Hammer said. "There was no mention of upgrading skills after graduation in the old philosophy statement." The new statement provides the frame of reference for the whole college, said Day. "Tt sets the targets but it isn't a road- map," said Day. The document also provides the outlines for decision-making on internal matters such as shrinkage due to budget cuts or on what new courses should be offered. "Two years ago, when we were hit with the first of the tightened budgets, the philos- ophy statement provided the basis for our commitment to student services and contin- uing education," Day said. — "Both of those are clearly valued aspects of Douglas College by the necessity of this document." _ The philosophy and goals statement also provides the basic orientation for new mem- bers to the college board, the top admini- strative committee at the college. "This describes what Douglas College is all about," said Day. "It's something that can really be used." "One of the greatest changes the philoso- phy and goals statement has made is in readability. u "The old statement was viewed as being too - academic, turgid and hard to read,” Day said. "But this new statement is more _ rational and more easily understood."