~F Jim Matkin, President, B. C. Employers' Council Tony Rhodes-Marriot, Versatile Equipment, Winnipeg Gay Sibley, University of Hawaii, Donna and Bill Dowdey, Consultants, Palo Alto, California David Pepper, H. A. Simons, Vancouver Phillip V. Lewis, ABCA Executive Scott Abbott, of Trivial Pursuit fame Herb Smith, Clarkson College and many more... Mad Hatter Page 4 ree eset : , Educational Planner Substitute I would like to welcome Karim Hirji to the | Student Services and Developmental Educa- tion Department. Karim will be working as an educational planner, substituting for Lex Lensen until May 31st, 1984. Karim can be reached at local 2762, or in Room 27608. Al Atkinson. | Topics will include: Communications and Effective Management, Contractual Language, Developing Technology, Communications in EXPO 86, Evaluation Techniques, and many more... One of the featured presentations will bea panel discussion of Communications and Effective Management, which will take place in the New Performing Arts Theatre. The seating capacity enables us to open the presentation to students, faculty and the general public. DATE: April 27, 1984. TIME: 1100 - 1230 ROOM: 4100 For this presentation, admission is: STUDENTS: OTHERS: $1.00 $5.00 Proceeds will go the Student Financial Aid Fund. New Hours for Student Services Centre Effective March 26, 1984 reception coverage during the evenings will no longer be pro- vided in the Student Services Centre. The Centre will continue to be opened for even- ing appointments with an educational planne or counsellor, Mondays to Thursdays. | | | Year-end inventory planned for Bookstore College Bookstore services will be closed Monday, April 2 and Tuesday, April 3 to finalize fiscal Year-End inventory requirements. Nordic Weekend Skis to Success The First Annual Nordic Ski Weekend for Douglas College Faculty and Staff was voted an outstanding success. It also was Stud. Servs’ Al Away I will be away from the college April 2. to April 6, 1984. Gerry DellaMattia will be the administrator responsible for the depart- ment during my absence. AL ATKINSON Director predicted unanimously that a strange pestilence would strike participants on the Friday preceding the Second Annual weekend thereby necessitating early isolation. In light of above, mark your 1985 calendars for departure Thursday evening, March Fe Thank you. Valerie MacBean.