I ee re = ae a ae I oe ns THE MAD HATTER’ A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Editor: Melanie Falcon Telephone: 588-4411, Local 283 THE MALASPINA EXPERIENCE On Thursday, December 7 at 4:15 pm in Room N603 L. Neering, Ed Hong and a biologist will talk about their experience in the design and development of the laboratory office and other teaching facilities at Malaspina College. Ed Hong will also talk about what he gained from touring facilities in the United States (he has some slides and overheads). All exe ed in, the. development of facilities ae Neat RC IS are invited to atténd.” ~~ TOTP W. Reed (CHEMISTRY) LIBRARY BOOKS RECOVERED Quick thinking by Library Staff at Nés Westminster Campus enabled the police to recover nearly 300 overdue library books from the apartment of a New Westminster man. 55 of these books belonged to Douglas College. Library staff became suspicious of a non-college borrower who appeared to resemble a man previously known to have used several names and addresses in borrow- ing books from libraries in the lower mainland. Without alarming him, they cceeded in gaining sufficient time for her library staff to obtain the man's car licence number, from which police were able to obtain his true address. A sub- sequent visit by the policy resulted in the discovery of several thousand dollars worth of overdue and apparently stolen books, from Douglas, Vancouver Community College, UBC, SFU, Vancouver Public Library, Burnaby Public Library, New Westminster Public Library, and elsewhere. Charges are now being considered. David R. Williams, DRW/ gb Director of Libraries. To: All Instructors From: Sylvia Bell, Circulation Librarian Re: Reserve Lists The library must receive reserve lists no later than December 10th to guarantee that material will be processed by the commencement =“ classes. If this deadline is not met, : @. <:: allow at least 3 weeks for the process- @ ing of material. Reserve forms are available at all Campus Libraries. BCLAS COLLE G c co a A UES FEN ANMNOTIVoCO EKAM WEEK POLICY Dear Faculty Member: I would like to draw your attention to the final exam week policy which is as follows. A five day period is set aside at the end of each semester for each course that has a final examination. This insures that the students do not have conflicts because examinations may take more than two hours of the time normally allocated to each class. The exam schedule is posted and the students have the oppor- tunity to deal with time conflicts and have the schedule changed. Holding final examinations in the weeks prior to the final exam week is detrimental to the students because it creates conflicts prior to exam week and students miss other classes in order to study for or take the "final exam"; therefore no test valued at more than 10 percent may be given in the > two weeks prior to exam week. Yours sincerely, R.H. Pridham Dean, Educational Services TELEPHONE CHANGE Lorry Hughes - event Magazine local 278 now changed to local 215.