< ! NO ! YEAR OF THE CHILD Two months ago the Pinion and the Mad Hatter published an appeal to the Faculty, staff and students' associations to support projects to mark the year of the Child. The Surrey Students' Society has donated $300 for the support of a small voluntary school in Kollegal, South India. In the absence of any other response, I appeal to the individual members of the faculty and staff to join those of their colleagues who have generously donated clothing, books and household items for sales to raise funds for other village schools in the Kollegal area, where the Asian Institute for Rural Development in undertaking a major rehabilitation project. Please send items donated to my office at Surrey Campus or drop off at my home in White Rock, 13836 Terry Road (at the South end of Nicol - 140th Street). TERM PAPER PROBLEMS? If you can't seem to organize an effective term paper; if you are a new or returning student and want to brush up on your research skills or if you can never find anything in that library anyway; THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW: Douglas College Libraries, in co-operation with the Counselling Depart- ment and its Skills Foundations program, offers a seven-week, mini-course, SD-111 - Skills for College Library Research. This course is designed to introduce you to effective methods of essay preparation: - HOW TO CHOOSE A SUITABLE TOPIC - HOW TO FIND INFORMATION TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEAS - HOW TO ORGANIZE EVERYTHING INTO A COHERENT PAPER It is a seven-week course, with a two-hour class and lab every week. Class lectures are combined with practical sessions and students are encouraged to bring course assignments with them. Testing is self-evalua- tive only. The course carries 1 1/2 College Credits and enrollment is limited to a maximum of fifteen students per section. To register, or for further information call Admissions at 588-6404. DATE: Thursday, May 10 - June 21, 1900 - 2200 hours, N103 VANGUARD CAMPING TRAILER FOR SALE Sleeps 5 - 6 ... Toilet, fridge, stove,etc. ... 13'6" ...Price $1,250 PHONE 531-2180 =|NoOrne =