eet LIDRARY. GLAS COLLE. - tok — ARCHIVES Monday, January 20,1975. Volume 156 REIS ARO UOTE. 6 cise 5 6 56 6 oe Fle ke eee ees 1 NEW WEST ROOM CHANGES... ...cceeesscsccce 2 BOUCRT PONE MERI cc ka eh din heh ae eee wars 3 SPAPE/ PACULTY LOUNGE. clad s ce wk owen ees vei 4 PACIFIC NW BIRD AND MAMMAL SOCIETY...... 5 GUARL EO GE DOE ROT EO BEAD, .vavecceriaseced 6 PLEASE NOTE: By direction of Principal's Council, material appearing in The Mad Hatter is processed through the Ad- mission's Office without ab- ridgment or editing, except for requirements of space limitations and legal con- siderations. Dm44mrosmzZ W>rocoou >