-19- That V E read as follows: ' The provisions of the foregoing B, C, and Dmay 1 be waived by the mutual consent of the instructor / and the Principal of the Centre. The Principal / will advise, the Association prior to a waiving a i . | i of item D. 3. 4. That the paragraph at the end of G be included in the agreement to facilitate changes in contact hours that » may be accomplished through team teaching, 5. , Scheduling, ctc. 6. "X. Division Chairmen, ete.: 7 That A be amended to read; 8 A Division Chairman, etc......must ; % simultaneously be a full-time regular instructor. 10. That C be amended to read: 11. +e...the appointee shall be confirmed for an add:tional three-year period. 15. It remains for me to thank the parties for their patience in educating me to the complexities of their bargaining relationship. Iwill, of course, be available to clarify any matters in my report. [Rell a Che Dr. Noel A, Hall Industrial Inquiry Commission. Dated at Vancouver this 9th day of October 1974. Aprendix I Matters Arreed to by the Parties, Vacations - to be increased from 37 days per year to two months. Bereavement Leave - increased from 3 days to 5 days. Divisional Chairmen - allowance agreed at $1922. Group Life Insurance - increased:from $15, 000 to 2 times annual salary. « Severance Pay - limit increased from 3 months to 4 months Sick Leave - accumulation per year increased from 15 days to 18 days; upper accumulation limit of 261 days. Maternity Leave - 6 months protection. Jury Duty and Court Appearance Clause. Exclusion of Divisional Chairmen from Grievance Procedure. Definition of duties and responsibilities of administrative personnel. Technological Change Clause.