June 2003 newmusicwest Amanda Aikman Culture Editor Well whatta you know? Turns out I’m a total hyp- ocrite. After years of denouncing guest lists, free tick- ets, and big schlocky corporate-sponsored rock events, I completely caved in less time than it takes to say “media pass.” Ah media pass, the magic blue card that opened all the doors to the five-day musical extrava- ganza that is newmusicwest (nmw). Line-ups were no longer am issue, bouncers were friendly, and people who would normally spit on me had the courtesy to settle for snotty glares (or at least spitting next to me instead of directly on me). Oh the power. However, at the stroke of midnight on the last day of the festival when my magical media pass reverted back to a pumpkin, I was left with nothing more than a hang- over and a jumble of indecipherable notes (excerpt: Thurs. May 22, 11:15p.m. “That guy has a nice shirt. Where did I put my drink? I wish I had some cheese.”). There were times when I wished the festival would last forever and then there were times when I prayed it would just end already—but now that it has, I am left longing for the days of the media pass. I tried to use it to get my sister to make me breakfast this morning, and I attempted flashing it at the grocery store to bypass the express lane, but apparently its powers do not translate into the real world. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. So here it is kids, my new- musicwest 2003 journey as best as I can remember it—the good, the bad, and The Flaming Lips. Wednesday May 21 8:30p.m. Video Tokyo @ Richard’s on Richards My first ever nmw show and a Stutter records show- case at that, let the debauchery begin! No such luck, apparently there are not enough people in attendance to stir up respectable debauchery levels. The band puts off playing until 9p.m., and finally just rocks out to the best of their abilities for the small-yet-enthusi- astic crowd. Luckily for the small-yet-enthusiastic crowd, the best of their abilities is pretty damn good. 9:45p.m. Notes From The Underground @ Richard’s on Richards As it is rumoured that his girlfriend is on the brink of giving birth, it looks like the guitarist might not make it in time for the big show, but he comes running into the club and onto the stage in time to complete the first song. Gotta love a guy with priorities. As the beloved Vancouver three piece begin to really rock it up, I realize this will be a difficult week. Just as one band starts to get interesting, it is time to dash off and catch another band somewhere else. Nature of the beast I suppose. 10:15p.m. Reuben @ The Lamplighter Despite careful advanced strategizing, I still arrive slightly late for this Vancouver band’s set. After catch- Hell City Love ing the end of their show at the Railway Club some time ago, I had been highly anticipating their per- formance at the festival. They did not disappoint. Energetic, emotional, thoughtful rock music; who knew such a thing still existed? I love this band and you should too. I always planned to be reincarnated as Martin Tielli’s Steinberger guitar, but after seeing the way Reuben’s Fraser Mackenzie handled his acoustic tonight, it looks like I’ve got some tough decisions to make. 10:55p.m. Hell City Love @ The Brickyard Heavy Halifax trio, singing songs about beer while drinking it straight from the pitcher. Lots of testosterone and rock posturing. Fast, loud, and more than a little horrible...time to go back to the Lamplighter. 11:15p.m. Livid @ The Lamplighter How did these guys get in here? My guess is they hid out back and jumped the real band that should have been playing, taking their instru- ments from them and leaving them tied up in a clos- et somewhere—its the only logical explanation. Generic rock by young boys in baggy clothes— although I gotta hand it to the guitar player, I have never seen someone appear so enrapt with his own uninspired performance. The look on his face as he closes his eyes and lolls his head back and forth is well worth the price of admis- sion (bearing in mind of course that the show is free). 11:50p.m. Jack Tripper @ The Lamplighter Reuben’s. Brian Minato returns with his other band Jack Tripper, proving that three is indeed good compa- ny. The talented trio per- forms a smart, no-nonsense hard-rock show that puts the Livid boys to shame. Thursday May 22 10:15p.m. The Meligrove Band @ The Purple Onion Absolutely one of the high- lights of the week, endear- ing records’ Meligrove Band Reuben http://otherpress.douglas.be.ca Culture ¢ the other press © launches their glorious pop assault on the enthusiastic crowd at the Purple Onion. Tambourines, trumpets, and four cute young men with cool haircuts singing “ba-ba-ba” and “la-la-la” as the audience shakes their collective booty. Halifax-flavoured pop gems with lines like “She needs you to need her the way that she wants to be needed” and “I see a big fat star in the sky/It’s got our names written along the side” whips the crowd up into a grateful frenzy. Vive le Meligrove Band. 11:00p.m. Venere @ The Railway Club Ouch. At least they have a cool name going for them. The guitarist trots out all of his coolest rock star moves but even the most carefully executed guitar slinging and flailing about can not compensate for the derivative rock schlock of this Aldergrove band. Show highlight: hanging out with some guy from The Shittys, making fun of Venere from the safety of the back smoking pit. 11:40p.m. Speed to Kill @ The Penthouse First line up I have encountered thus far. Get to wield the awesome power of the media pass and walk past the lowly commoners who are cued up like sweaty desperate sheep (not that I let it go to my head or any- thing). After a perfunctory sweep of the very crowded room, briefly taking in the band that are decked out Meligrove Band all in white and thoroughly rocking the socks off of the hipsters that have descended on the popular venue, it’s off to try and catch the end of The Spitfires at Richards. 12:00a.m. The Spitfires @ Richard’s on Richards I only make it in time for the last song, but it is obvi- ous that this had been a pure, class A, genuine article ROCK SHOW. As the band wails, the crowd cheers, and the bass player is baptized with beer, the power of rock is definitely in the air (along with a great deal of smoke and flying bottles). Mom, I want an electric guitar for my birthday this year! 12:30a.m. Closure @ Richard’s on Richards Unfortunately this band takes a little too long setting up (must have been that fancy banner of theirs) and I have to leave to catch the SkyTrain. So no closure on Closure for me. Friday May 23 1:30p.m. Jason S. Miller Industry Keynote @ The Commodore Ballroom Jason S. Miller, the Senior Vice President of Talent at House of Blues, is considerably engaging despite the predictability inherent in his topic—“how to succeed in the music industry.” Dragging out the tired cliché “Tt used to be about the music” early on in his appear- ance, it is obvious that this isn’t going to be a particu- Continued on Page 16 e_ Page 15 Photos by Angela Blattman