If you have a post-secondary diploma in one of the 14 professional trades listed below, you may be eligible for a recruitment allowance of $10,000, or $20,000 if you already have experience. Graduates also receive higher seniority than untrained recruits and better pay. It pays to work with the Canadian Forces. em | For more information, call us, visit our Web site or come to one of our recruiting centres. Strong. Proud. Today’s Canadian Forces. e Electronic Engineering Technician/ Technologist e Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) e Electronic Communication Technician e Power Lineman e Electronic Service Technician e Marine Engine Mechanic ¢ Computer Engineering Technician e Plumbing and Heating Technician e Computer Science e Dental Clinical Assistant e Computer Networking and Technical Support e Security and Law Enforcement e Vehicle Technician e Electrician www.forces.gc.ca_ 1800 856-8488 BME Science nationale ee ae Ce Ree ots eee Re co wasmer ela a OS 6 O68 8 A i ei le HE 8 ew HOAH AEG EDA AW OM OOD Pye oe es OT ee ae ee Oo ey eS en en ee ee ee ae ae oe ae ee Oe ee Ce