Vice president external by Pat Worthington Jim Fisher, Vice Presi- dent External (VPE) at Douglas College, sees himself as officer between the college and outside influences. Fisher’s job is to ‘‘im- prove relationships with the student society and outside agencies such as the B.C. Student Federa- tion, the National Union of Students, and the civic community.”’ Though still, as he says, “getting the feel of the office,’’ the VPE is already working on plans to ‘‘re- move the apathetic attitude on the part of the students by getting people involved with the student popula- tion.”’ Fisher says the big reason apathy is such a problem at D.C. is because students are here for just one or two semesters. Consequently «6 Society pubnight mak by Tom Schoenewolf Douglas College Student Society’s (DCSS) pub night on Friday had a record turn-out which led to a profit of $679 for the society. At a dollar a drink, 100 cases of beer and many bottles of liquor were gone ‘by 10:30 p.m. Over 400 people took part at one time or another throughout the evening. Kevin Hallgate, DCSS president, said that the surplus was a first: for Douglas College. ‘I’m not sure whether it’s because of planning or because of beer, but if it’s the latter then we should have as many pub nights as possible before the beer strike ends,’’ he said. Hallgate also said that the student society is not they develop ‘‘no sense of identity, of belonging.’’ People aren’t impressed with D.C., Fisher states. Perhaps, he hopes, when the permanent campus is built the students will dev- elop a sense of pride that is lacking on our current makeshift campus. One area where Fisher sees a potential source of interest is at pub nights. Though in the past pub nights have suffered from a lack of attendence the VPE feels that, with the college’s newly decorated cafeteria, pub nights could be a lot of fun. ‘“‘No one can say it’s drab,’’ states Fisher em- phatically. . The VPE would like to see ‘‘theme’”’ pub nights at the college. People enjoy dressing up, Fisher says, and would come out in greater numbers to gra- out to make a direct profit on college activities, but that ‘‘the surplus does help out ‘the activity fund.’’ Representatives from the College’s drafting club are holding a pub night in Richmond on Friday from 2 to 6 p.m. The club has already purchased 40 cases of beer and was present at Mon- day’s multi-campus meet- ing to apply for additional funds for clean-up and security. Council decided 40 cases of beer was not sufficient for a pub night. A motion was then passed that the DCSS would buy extra beer, and the profit from the extra beer sales would be used to pay for the clean-up and security (ap- prox. $100). The remain- ing profit if any, would be fiti nights, film nights, and hallowe’en nights. Fisher reports a lot of people have gotten involv- ed with the New Westmin- ster student society this semester although interest lags at other campuses. Many people think work- ing for the student society involves a massive amount of time and energy. This, Fisher relates, is simply not true. ‘Students would have to go to a few meetings and work a half an hour to an hour a day,’’ the VPE says. Fisher is a fourth seme- ster student at D.C. and is enrolled in the _ science program. At present: he has no career plans. “For a successful and meaningful year at Doug- las, involvement in student activities is essential,’’ de- clares Fisher. es profit given back to the drafting club. Odds n’ ends: a hiring committee will be estab- lished by DCSS_ for the purpose of hiring a cashier and possibly a pub mana- ger. e The committee will consist of Hallgate and campus chairpersons. e Hallgate has asked his council members to con- sider nominations for Hon- orary Memberships. The memberships will be awar- ded to persons that have- helped either the student society or the students or both. eHallgate will be meet- ing with campus chair-— persons in order to draft a fall schedule of events which will most likely in- clude a DCSS sponsored dance on Halloween. ® pos Gne ete sey $ ‘ x ie photo ‘by Bill Lingenfelter