INside QUOTE of the MONTH @@ Education is what remains after we have forgotten all that we have been taught. 99 - Lord Halifax May 5, 1992 The Douglas College Newsletter College Board Chairman judged among best in North America Myrna Popove, Board Chairman Douglas College Board Chairman Myrna Popove has been judged by her peers to be one of the best in North America. Popove, who has held the position since 1990, has won the prestigious Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Regional Trustee Leadership Award for the Pacific region, and recently picked up the award at a ceremony in Portland, Ore. “T’m really pleased and somewhat over- whelmed. I had no idea I had been nominated,” said Popove, who feels that she only won the award by projecting the values held by others on the College Board. “It shouldn't be looked at as a single honour. The award is a reflection on the entire College.” The ACCT is a Washington D.C.-based or- ganization. Each year it offers awards that recognize excellence and quality of the contributions made by trustees, chief ex- ecutives and faculty members in meeting the needs of students served by com- munity colleges. An awards committee made up of trustees and presidents from the Pacific region chose Popove based on a nomination put together by the Douglas College Board. Gerry Della Mattia, Dean of Human Resources and College Development, sub- mitted the nomination and wasn’t surprised to see Popove win. “It’s simply a reflection of the quality of work she’s done,” said Della Mattia. “She has made a significant contribution, and she’s held in such high regard.” “It shouldn't be looked at as a single honour. The award is a reflection on the entire College.” Ted James, Student Success Task Force Chairperson Task Force on student success up and running Douglas College turns away some 500 students every semester, yet the statistics show that one out of three students in open enrolment courses does not get a satisfactory grade (C minus or better). Students who aren’t succeeding take up places that other students could be in. continued on page 4 Popove is a resident of Coquitlam and owns a small business there. She was ap- pointed to the College Board in February 1986, and served on various Board com- mittees before becoming Vice-Chairman in 1989, and Chairman in 1990. She also served on the B.C. Government Task Force for Child Care in 1990, and was elected in June 1991 as Director of the Ad- vanced Education Council of B.C. INside INside... Thomas Haney update .......... 2 Presidents Repott 6... 541... 3 College Brice ioc. oo eee 3 Vese Force aid 0... es 4 Events Calendar ..... eae et 5 Farewell Barbara Offen.......... 5 Inside Zone... 2 2s. a e 6