DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES MEW FR OC Emu es Foor bi Fe © Mii STW aT foe Te Tren Ss Following are the new regulations that must be adhered to wher hiring Student Assistants. 1. The supervisor must submit a brief job descripticn, along with the request for a specific number of students, to the Student Flacement Office. Student Assistants may not perform duties now cantained in an existing BCGEU job description. . Each position will be posted in the Student Placement Office far ten days. o. Applications will be collected by the Student Flacement Office. The supervisor will then be contacted to interview suitable candidates. 4. Student Assistant positions will mot exceed four months in duration (must be re-posted each semester). oe Student Assistants will be paid at the negotiated rate of $5.00 per hour, and all Student Assistants will now be cansidered part of the BCGEU Bargaining Unit. & Student Assistants will work no more than 135 hours per week, A student must be enrolled in two or more courses at the College in order to be considered for a Student Assistant positian. 7. In aerder to be able to allow enough time for posting positions and interviewing suitable candidates, requests for positions must be submitted to the Student Flacement Office at least one moanth before the position is required. ie. to begin September Ist - submit request August Ilet to begin January Ist - submit request December Ist These regulations apply to College Student Assistants only. These hired under government grant projects (Work-Study, Youth Employment) will be paid the maximum allowed under the program, and will work the number of hour specified by the grant program. Student Froject Assistants will not be member of the BCGEL,. Finally, Student Project Assistants must perform work not currantily cantained in a bargaining unit job description, and the projects undertaken must not be ongoing, or create a dependancy in the College. For further information or clarification, contact Julie Steele, Student Placement Office.