@ TO ALL FAQULTY AND STAFF © The printing department has received several printing jobs in the past several weeks with the attached requisitions either filled out incorrectly or not filled out at all. In order that we may speed the delivery of your job, please fill out the requisition as indicated below. Tom Rosamond DUPLICATING REQUISITION Job No. FOR USE WITH TEACHING MATERIALS, CLASS NOTICES, ETC. DEPARTMENT: G-—-CS¢meT ENT Te BE crates? _——_e— LECT GLON 4 ho QF DATE REQUIRED: . DELIVER TO:_(Campus)} ASe io Sonaey Aurrsi PRINTING DEPT. USE ONLY = PLEASE PRINT a x 1_herre? [Ae no. coptes__ 50 85x14 Leer [ae NO. PAGES A x17 Ca BOOK - SPECIFY PAGE NO. Other | } , ‘a PAPER COLOUR PRINTING / BINDERY winedie. oer eek eS ie” fy PRINT 1 SIE. [Of pire eee Mes 2 EF 2 stipes DRELEING? (V... sok kes Wi COLLATE a ee oe pe aE STAPLE [ARS OT reine RR See we et oo. ae DRILL 2 ORHER coor cna ds oes UM ectango BUFF Cl PAD [_] GOLDENROD = FOLD ) ———— BOOK PAPER CT] FORM BOND [_] wNcr*(_] ! Bode eS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: NOTE: Unless specified otherwise, all duplicating will be done by the most economical method ORIGINATOR COMPLETE REQUEST, FORWARD ALL THREE COPIES TO PRINTING