Mot SRR manne ee _ DOUGLAS COLLEGE INTER OFFICE MEMO & TO: Mad Hatter DATE:Sept.24/74 From: Chris Johnson RE Soccer Game DOUCLAS COLLEGE LIPRAPY Under very trying and tiring conditions, the college soccer team went down to a 4 - 0 defeat on the dust bowl at Hume Park on Friday evening to a team from Van.Com. College. The 75 degrees far outnumbered the three interested? spectators. The most outstanding work was carried out by the ball boys who on numerous occasions risked life and limb (amongst other things) in climbing over the barbed wire fence to retrieve soccer balls, whose placé- ment outside the field by kickers would have done credit to rugby or field goal kicking units in football. Stay tuned for next weeks exciting episode after a weekend at Cariboo College. DOUGLAS COLLEGE acenicnen | TO: Eloise DATE. Sept 23,1974 Frou, Roy “uggan RE For insertion in next Mad Hatter The English Department is pleased to announce the following oetry reading rene * ERROR RIOR a iota gor eto i Ulrich Schaffer of Douglas College and Kevin Roberts of Malaspina College will read selections of their poet¥y in the Surrey 4-Room Complex on THURSDAY, OCT.3 at 12:00 NOON. Both poets have published their work both here and abroad. 2 You are cordially invited to attend. /0.