Wake up and compromise » The pursuit of dream may not be the same journey as the pursuit of happiness Elliot Chan Opinions Editor ‘we, S opinions@theotherpress.ca Heeriness is not getting everything we want. Happiness is accepting what we have. We all want glory and success. As children, we dream of our achievements as adults and all the possibilities. People will ask what we want to be when we grow up and we'll list off all the options: actor, athlete, astronaut, doctor, etc. At some point, we need to face reality; perhaps our childhood desires are not what we want forever. Having a dream is having a goal. When you are young you have all the potential in the world. Nothing seems impossible. You can become a doctor if you want. It’s like buying a lottery ticket, and you are anxiously awaiting the draw. You haven't lost yet. You haven't won either. As you grow older, you might realize that you aren’ that interested in medicine, and studying makes you sick. Pursuing a career as a doctor—not only dedicating time and money but also excelling in the programs—is likely to be torturous if that’s : the case. So I ask: is it worth : it for a well-paying job? When we talk about dream : jobs, we aren't really talking : about the job itself, we are : talking about being successful : in one particular field. The : problem is that our society : only shines the spotlight on : certain roles, placing them on : a higher pedestal than others. : The CEO gets the spotlight, the : lead actor gets the spotlight, the : star athlete gets the spotlight, : but we ignore the supporting : cast. Rarely do children dream : of being part of the pit crew. : They want to be the driver. We want to take our : interest and transform it into : a lifestyle. The problem with : turning hobbies and interests : into work is that we turn : something we enjoy—music : for example—into something : tedious. Putting pressure onto : anything may often destroy it. : And so it goes with dreams. We chase our dreams, : but what we should do is : chase our passion. Dreams : area fabrication, while our : passions aren't. Once we accept : that, regardless of what we : do, we'll have to work hard, : we can then hone in and identify what actually makes : us happy—or not. That’s the : thing about passion, it changes, : and we can allow it to. It’s not a crime to give up : on your dreams. We are lucky to : have an opportunity to pursue it, : : so don’t feel guilty. Not everyone : : Is built to climb Mt. Everest and : to be stupid enough to believe : you can without the hard work is : irresponsible. Dream is a finish : line. Happiness is the desire Image by Ed Appleby to improve and seek progress. : Dreams just happen. Happiness : requires work. Find work that : makes you happy and that may : mean changing paths now. Politically correct policing doesn't belong at an institution of learning » The idea behind academia is to learn, not to make everyone feel at home Alex Stanton Staff Writer here are a whole lot of people in this world. Unfortunately, a huge chunk of them are straight up bigots. Even in developed countries such as our own, there’s a depressingly large number of people who seem to take socially conservative values to their logical extreme, and they're extra vocal on the Internet. For a young person who sees nothing wrong with same-sex marriage, knows that transgender people should be acknowledged as people, and believes that black lives matter, looking at the comment sections of online news articles related to social justice can be, at best, extremely demoralizing and, at worst, downright heartbreaking. The youth of today are making huge changes when it comes to inequalities, but this has been met with incredibly vocal opposition. While it’s become clear that those who say “social : justice goes too far” are either : completely politically apathetic : or bigoted in some way. I can't : help but feel that the presence : of overt political correctness : at colleges and universities : in North America can have a : detrimental effect on learning. : That is, ifit hasn’t already. An alarming number of the : public has a problem with the : idea of “safe spaces,” and that : seems incredibly silly to me. : Not only is it silly because the : allowance of safe spaces does : no harm to those who don’t : need them, but also because : most of these detractors act like : they are a current phenomenon : exclusive to North American : campuses. Safe spaces are > everywhere, and have been since : : the dawn of time. When women : : are running from abusive : spouses, they expect to be : protected at a battered women’s : shelter. When the religious : go to a place of worship, they : can expect to be safe from : those who are intolerant of : their views. If ever want to : attend a Narcotics Anonymous : meeting, I can feel secure in : speaking about my experiences : with the understanding that : no one will belittle me for my : honesty. These are all examples : of safe spaces, and I can say : without hesitation that anyone : who’s against any of those safe spaces is a bad person. But to want to turn entire : schools into one giant safe : space, to me, falls squarely : onto the opposite end of the : silly spectrum. To completely : abolish the discussion of ideas or : : concepts that have the potential : : to upset or trigger someone goes : : against the whole goal of post : : secondary education: to explore, : : to stumble upon as many points : of view in as many topics as you desire, and to learn. In a more recent example : of this, a 19-year-old student : attending a college in Oregon : was banned from the discussion : portion of his humanities class : by his professor. The reason? : During the discussion, the : student openly questioned the : one-in-five-college-women- : are-raped statistic; apparently, : this caused at least one other : person to feel “serious stress,” : in the words of the professor. For those of you who aren't : aware, the statistic in question : has indeed been debated > countless times (response rate : and the method used to acquire : answers being some of the : top concerns). The incident in : Oregon happened in March of : this year. I won't go on about : the prevalence of rape on : North American campuses, but : this man was doing precisely : what he came to college to do, : and he was punished for it. At college, you aren't : entitled to shield out ideas that : make you uncomfortable. Your : comfort is a hell of a lot less : important than the education of : hard-working, paying students.