Shis thsue: (¥Y Homeless seniors rely heavily on Victoria shelters (¥Y How do digital laws protect us? And more! (Y Examining the contraction and spread of Ebola Have an idea for a story? Let us know! Contact: Angela Espinoza, News Editor www. » Swedish birth means revolutionary changes for Roy Symone ae ec Angela Espinoza News Editor ; Mi news = _ he first baby to be born from a transplanted womb entered the world in September. On October 3, an announcement from the baby’s birth hospital in Sweden revealed the successful birth. The baby, named Vincent, was born to his 39-year-old mother, who has kept her name and the name of the hospital private. Vincent’s mother had undergone the transplant along with eight other women in 2013. The nine transplants occurred " : as part of a trial to see if : women suffering from absolute : uterine factor infertility : could be treated. Absolute : uterine factor infertility, or : Rokitansky syndrome, refers to : women born without a womb. : According to British online : medical journal Medical News : Today, Rokitansky syndrome : is the “only type of female : infertility still considered to be : untreatable.” The success of Vincent’s birth has increased the : possibility that Rokitansky : syndrome may no longer be : a threat to affected women : hoping to give birth to their own : children. The womb Vincent's : mother carries was donated : from a 61-year-old family friend. : Medical News Today stated that : because the friend’s womb still : had healthy ovaries, Vincent’s : mother was able to produce the : eggs necessary for a child. During week 31 of the : pregnancy, Vincent’s mother : experienced preeclampsia, “the : most common complication : that can occur during a : pregnancy” according to the : medical journal. Preeclampsia : causes a spike in blood pressure, : and in the case of Vincent’s : mother, required her son be : born via cesarean immediately. : Despite being born several : weeks early, Vincent’s otherwise : been reported to be healthy. The Associated Press a wet cs ——— — : revealed on October 4 that : Vincent’s mother had been : informed of her Rokitansky : syndrome at the age of 15. “T : was terribly sad when doctors : told me I would never carry : my own child,” she said to the : organization. She eventually found out about the transplant trial, run : by the University of Gothenburg : : and Stockholm IVF’s Dr. Mats: : Brannstrom. “Mats told us there : : were no guarantees, but my : partner and [ ... : was the perfect idea.” Vincent’s father told the : BBC, “It was a pretty tough : journey over the years, but we : now have the most amazing baby.” Following Vincent’s birth, : an Associated Press article by : Maria Chang revealed another : two women from the nine : test subjects are to give birth : to their own children in the : coming weeks. “It means a lot to me that we are able to help patients : who have tried for so long to have families,” Brannstr6m : said in an interview with the Associated Press. “This is : the last piece of the puzzle we thought this : in finding a treatment for : all women with infertility : problems.” Vincent is hopefully the first of many future : babies born using the womb : transplant method. The final countdown » It’s do-or-die for the BC Lions Mercedes Deutscher Staff Writer pressure is on for the BC Lions. Currently at 7-7 and sitting second-to-bottom of the Western Division standings, the Lions’ chance of competing in this year’s post-season is at risk. The absence of starting quarterback Travis Lulay has had an effect on the Lions this season. Lulay, due to off-season shoulder surgery couldn't play until week 1. When Lulay : for the Lions’ game against : the Ottawa RedBlacks, he re- : aggravated his injury after being : piled on by pl . Lulayi \ A Jith only three more games : Pree Oho) Biayers oeys until the CFL playoffs, the list, with the hope that he'll be : able to play the final two games : of the regular season. currently on the six-week injury Lulay is not the only Lion currently suffering injuries; : running backs Andrew Harris : and Stefan Logan, wide receivers : : Courtney Taylor and Manny : Arceneaux, receiver Bryan : Burnham, left tackle Hunter : Stewart, and cornerback Dante: : Marsh are all currently sitting on : : : the sidelines as well. returned as starting quarterback : The Vancouver Sun reports : that GM Wally Buono might be : placing some blame on Lions : head coach Mike Benevides. : Buono, who has previous : experience with coaching, told : the Sun, “You always evaluate.” “You have to wait until the : season's over. Could we be nine- : five right now or 10-four if we : make the plays we should make? There’s only two games we : couldn't have won: against : Toronto and in Montreal.” : Buono went on to imply that “every other game” could have been a possible win for the team. Regardless of why the : BC Lions have not had the : best season to date, hope : still remains. The Lions have : persevered and succeeded : : through situations similar to this : : one. In 20n, the Lions started : with a disappointing season, : only to win the Grey Cup on : their home turf. With BC once : again hosting the Grey Cup, : optimists and fans hope that : history will repeat itself. In other cases, Western Division teams have not : qualified for the semi-finals : of their own division, yet have : qualified for the semi-finals in : the Eastern Division. In current : Western standings, the Lions : sit in fourth place. Unless this : changes in the coming weeks, : they will not qualify for the Western semi-finals. However, as the Toronto : Argonauts and Hamilton Tiger : Cats are tied for first in the : Eastern Division, they only have : a 6-8 record on the season. This : leaves the possibility that the : Lions may be able to cross over, : as they did in 2009. For now, Lions fans anxiously await the events : that will unfold in the next : few weeks of the CFL regular : season.