Deo ame i OPINIONS slam Vs The West: Round 2 Left Overs Iain Reeve, OP Columnist h what a glorious day! With Mr. McCullough off spreading his ctazy ideas in Europe, and per- haps even having fun like a normal person, I have free rein to spread my nutty left-wing agenda. Well, actually I have nothing too nutty to talk about this issue, just a simple little idea called racial toler- ance. As you all now know, on July 7, during the G8 conference in Scotland, a series of bombs were detonated in quick succes- in the transit lines of London. Fifty-two were killed, hundreds more sion were injured. Two weeks later there was another attempted bombing, which fortu- nately failed when the devices did not explode. I could spend some time here talking about the implications of the bombings, or spend a whole article talking about why this type of violence is unac- ceptable no matter what the justification. I would, however, prefer to focus on another issue. After the New York terrorist attacks in 2001 were revealed to be the work of Muslim extremists belonging to the group al Qaida, there were massive shockwaves throughout the US, including huge out- pourings of hate and discrimination by citizens and politicians alike. Hate crimes were carried out against both factions of the Muslim community and those who “appeared” to be Muslim. This included eight murders, which police linked to attack backlash. Talk in the US government was also ripe with discrimination and misunder- standing about both the nature and teachings of Islam. Worst of all was the right-wing media and pundits, led by the likes of Anne Coulter, who on September 12, delivered her now infamous comment, “We should invade their countries, kill 8 | their and convert them to Christianity.’ Spoken like a true imperial- ist. Granted, Coulter is an extreme example, but many of the more moderate leaders, views were not too far off in their extreme nature. I am happy to say that, to a large degree, reactions have not been the same in Britain. One of the first things I saw on the news about the bombings was a press conference by British officials, including the head of Scotland Yard and the transit chief. When asked by a rather moronic reporter if any Islamic group was believed to be responsible for the attacks, the head of Scotland Yard was quick to shoot him down. He said something about that being a ridiculous question as it was far too early to know. He stated that there should be no connection drawn between Islam and violence. He also stated that Islam is a faith that encourages peace, not violence, and that anyone who links it with violence is severely misguided. He is completely right. Thankfully, this is the line that has been followed by the British government and much of the British press. Tony Blair seems committed to engag- ing the moderate Muslim community in Britain and discouraging hate crimes. He also has worked to ensure that extremists will not find a welcome home with those moderate Muslims who consider extrem- ists a threat to the country they feel they belong to. The actions of the US after September 11 only served to fuel the ter- rorism they were attempting to fight. By ostracizing the Muslim community, the US creates a group within their own coun- try who will not only remain apathetic to attacks carried out against the state that discriminates against them, but may even become involved themselves. The Muslim community is on its heels. Globalization and the mass exportation of Western values and culture have been seen by many as a threat. As in all cases when a culture is threatened, many have reacted by banding together to perpetuate their culture peacefully, while others have turned to violence. And as always, it is eas- ier to blame religion for ferocious acts rather than seeing the reality behind it, that religion is usually used as a justifica- tion for the acts of the malicious. Do we ostracize all Christians because of the Crusades and the Inquisition? Why then should an entire faith be the target of discrimination due to the acts of a deranged few? By attempting to engage the Muslims in their country, Britain is taking advantage of the greatest weapon against extremist terrorism, moderate believers who see other resolutions. See ee Ene ee Colin s Bests of New West Colin Miley, Opinions Editor Best cheap flowers: Happy Dollar at Sixth and Sixth. Best processed cheese omelette for hangover-cure purposes: Jim’s cafe, across from Starbucks on Sixth. Best cuppa Joe: Americano from Kelly in the main cafeteria here at Douglas. Best place to see a ton of crazy old shit stuffed into a very small space: Antiques at 435 Sixth. Best restaurant to pretend you’re not actually in New West: The Orange Room. Best cheap massage (without release): West Coast School of Massage Therapy on Columbia Best cheap massage (with release): No comment. Best crack dealer: td Momma. August 10/2005