2 President’s Report highlights -May On May 19, there was a farewell dinner for our colleagues from Thailand who will be leaving Canada in the immediate future. A Douglas College team of faculty and administrators will be visiting Thai- land in July, to carry out a similar process of orientation and information exchange on post-secondary institutions in Thai- land. It is expected that these visits will result in an ongoing program of ex- changes, education and training among teachers and administrators that will be of mutual benefit. On May 20, I chaired a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the B.C. Con- struction Industry Skillplan Project. This project continues to elicit favourable commentary from construction workers, and officials in the Ministry of Advanced Education. During the month of May, a considerable amount of time has been spent talking Fitness continued from page 1 Steve Norris, Student Services Steve recently took up running and now runs 4 to 5 times a week averaging 7 - 10 kilometres per run. "I run for relaxation, stress management and exercise. You be- come addicted to roles in your life, and I became aware that fitness for me was out of sync so I began to look for a more balanced lifestyle." Steve’s personal philosophy: "Take responsibility for any change in your life that you want. As for my running, the greatest thing is to with students about their disappointment in the lack of accessibility to summer school courses and programs. In this con- nection, I have sent a letter to the Ministry of Advanced Education to alert them to what may well be a looming cri- sis in enrolment. It is noteworthy that virtually all of our summer school sec- tions have been oversubscribed; there is clear evidence that students are trying increasingly desperate expedients to gain themselves a higher priority number through signing up for any course. On May 5, a meeting was held with District Superintendents of our four con- stituent School Districts, to discuss further the concept of educational advocacy by School Boards and the College Board. As a result of this meeting, a study has been commissioned and completed on the di- mensions of need for increased spaces in post-secondary education in our College region. stop at the end. It feels good to stop running." Chris Johnson, Community Programs & Services Chris has been a physical education teacher for 28 years, but he’s not in great cardiovascular shape. He says he’s a per- fect example of ’do what I say, not what I do’. "Fitness to me is a state of mind. It has to do with how you feel about your- self. You can be superbly fit but not like INside INformation INside Douglas College is published the first Tuesday of every month by the Public Information Office. The next is- sue will appear Tuesday, July 5. Deadline for submission for next issue is noon Tuesday, June 22. Submis- sions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are al- ways welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527- 5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4840 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 cy douglas college [iE RE On May 17, a very productive workshop was held on the topic of "institutional wellness". The workshop was shared and managed by Julie Roper, whose educa- tional leave two years ago was devoted to this topic. Her report provided basis for the discussion. The Board will have noted the high num- ber of educational meetings involving faculty, staff and administration over the past month. These are a tribute to the hard work over the last 18 months in the College in developing a "learning cul- ture". This type of emphasis and activity is in line with the ideals expressed in the recently approved College Mission State- ment. We look forward to further progress. Bill Day az yourself," says Chris. "Now I go salmon fishing for the day and feel more re- charged than I ever did before when I was pushing myself at physical fitness." His personal philosophy: "Your health and enjoyment from life should come from working with other people, being playful and having fun as opposed to being serious. I like to sleep in the sun, garden, and oil paint, but most of all laugh." So there it is. You can take this informa- tion and run with it, or you can just walk away from it. A Did You Know... Results from the Fall 1992 Student Survey have been summarized, and in the sec- tion called Perceptions of Douglas College, 43% of the students surveyed rated the helpfulness of Douglas College employees as "high". a