MAD HATTER 4 War against war... With many distinct religious, idealogical and social groups, each with differing visions of the Lebanon they are fighting for, the young genera- tion has grown up with a sharp sense of aliena- tion." "We would like our students to experience other cultures and to understand the diversity of mankind," said Fadl Chalak, the Foundation's general manager. An engineer by profession, he was asked by Hariri to establish the Foundation and head its activities. It is precisely this situation of alienation and conflict which the Hariri Foundation is striving to end. "Our mandate is to bridge the gap between the warring factions and build a generation which is committed to the reconstruc- tion of Lebanon," said Chalak. Canada has a lot to offer the Hariri Foundation students. Canadian education offers a full range of studies at college and university levels and Canadian bilingualism, religious tolerance and multiculturalism serve as an example of unity in diversity. WELCOME! Douglas College has recently welcomed seven students from Lebanon, part of a group of 290 students (66 in B.C.) sponsored by the Hariri Foundation and organized through CBIE, The Canadian bureau for International Education. These students have been placed at universities and colleges across Canada to enter a variety of educational programs for varying lengths of time. Our students will eventually be taking two-year programs in the Business Department, but will spend the Spring and Summer terms taking a full college preparation ESL program. Call us at 4200 if you'd like to meet them. Once again, we'll be having our six week summer program for students from Quebec (May-June) and for a small group of Japanese visitors (late July and August). We'll be looking for host families so keep us in mind if you'd like a summer yuest. Jan Selman COLLEGE COPYRIGHT POLICY To: All College Personnel From: Bill Day Attached for your information is the current College statement regarding the use of copy- righted material. When the new legislation (expected to be table in Parliament very soon) has been enacted, this statement will be reviewed and revised, as necessary. Until that time it is important that all personnel be familiar with the College's current policy statement and regulations. I would like to highlight a few points from the statement to clarify some matters that may have been misinterpreted in the past. 1. It is the responsibility of personnel to acquire, in writing, the permission to copy any work protected under the act. It is not the responsibility of staff in the Printing Dept. The Printing Department will require you to sign a statement that you have acquired that permission. 2. Education use is not "fair dealing" as defined by the Act. In other words, copying a work to use in a classroom or in an educational manual is an infringement. 3. Computer programs, whether in machine or human readable form, are covered by the Act. 4, It is not permissable to use video or other programs taped off-air at home or rented from a home rental outlet in an educational setting. Classroom use has been defined as a public performance and home video rental outlets have the right to rent for public performances. *See following three pages regarding the use of copyrighted material. ——————— EEE