DOUGL AS COLLEGE Mad Hatter Page 5 ARCHIVES Fall 1984 Graduation Ceremony | Everyone is cordially invited to attend the Fall 1984 Graduation ceremony to be held in the Performing Arts Theatre on Thursday evening, October 11, 1984, at 2000 hours. cessional are reminded to meet in the third floor staff room #3304 at 1930 | | | | Faculty wishing to be in the pro- | | hours. | | | Sincere Thanks party an event I shall remember always. My gifts will never be replaced and I appreciate the thoughts and good wishes that accompanied them. I have enjoyed my Douglas College days and years, and value the cooperation extended to me from the Faculty, staff and administration. ‘Again thank you all most sincerely. Mary G. (Mayme) Furber Many thanks for making my retirement Student Society Paper Recycling Project At its September 25 meeting, the College Management Committee received ‘a request for support from the DCSS ‘for its new Paper Recycling Project. (‘The Committee, by unanimous motion, igave its support, and endorsation to the project. Monies raised through this project will be directed to the Douglas ‘College Student Trust. I urge your cooperation and support for the iproject, as it will help students access our courses and programs. ‘Receptacles are placed conveniently throughout the building and I have been assured that any sorting necessary will be done by Student society executive members, so that iwe need have no concerns about mis- \direction of sensitive materials. If you do have a concern about a ispecific document, it can be disposed of in the usual way, rather than in tthe recycling project recepticles. Details of the project, what materials are suitable, etc, have already been | printed, but I am having them re- | printed in this issue for your | convenience, and as a reminder. ! Thank you for your cooperation, and | our support of the project and the | Btudent Trust Fund. Bill Day