March 31, 2004 Wilson e the other press © Horoscopes It’s “T’ Time Miss Tarantula Time OP Contributor Last week one of you common folk approached me in the hall to tell me that my movie prediction (Rabbit Proof Fence) couldn't have been more accurate, as she had watched that exact movie the night befete the paper went to print. You see, dear readers, I really am psy- chic. I encourage anyone else who I may have had similar psychic connections with to come forward and inform me of my magic. Seriously, the mailbag would adore some psychic stories and I always enjoy hearing the voices of my followers. Aquarius January 20-February 18 * For once in your life, you're a Ps schedule. Last week’s hard work has really paid off for you and now the only thing that’s absent in your life is someone to share it with. Too bad love can't be as easy as work, hmm? Well, I’ll tell you a secret-—you may discover true love at work this week. = As frustration surmounts into a ball of anger for you Pisces, you may want to reconsider future plans involv- ing the authorities. Take care of your own problems your own way, but don't come crying to me when the authorities come for you. Aries March 21-April 19 Black is the colour of your true love's hair. If you are currently seeing a redhead, or God forbid a blonde, move it or lose it honey. It’s black hair or noth- ing—judging by the nature of your needs of lately, nothing just isn’t going to cut it, Taurus April 20-May 20 Superman can fly, but sorry Toni baby, you can’t. Physical danger is coming your way and may be due to your own overly ambitious spirit. Tone it down a bit, remember your place in the world (the mortal world) and you should do alright. Gemini May 21-June 21 As a notoriously happy person, you often get the short end of the stick when it comes to friends who will listen to your problems. They just never expect the bubbly person that you are to ever be upset, and now that life has shook its lit- tle finger at you, they don’t know how to deal. Just be honest with them about your situation (no cushioning the fall) and irll turn out okay. Cancer June 22-July 22 Romance will sweep you up into a flurry this week, and in the end will drop you down on your ass. Keep some extra padding around that area and you may get another surprise next week. Leo July 23-August 22 You are virtually unstoppable Leo—so driven that your family feels neglected and sad. Make a mental note to spend at least one night at home this week doing meaningless family activities (they love crap like Pictionary and Scrabble) and then you can go on to take the world into your hands. Virgo August 23-September 22 If time were a horse Virgo, you would be riding it. Unlike the loopy Leo youre in control of your desires and ambitions, and are miraculously jug- gling it all. Keep up the good work. Libra @ ¥ September 23-October 22 ~ Are you finding yourself feeling slightly run-down? Do suggestions to go out for the evening give you a sore head? My oh my, Libra, where has your energy gone—you used to be so enthusiastic. Don’t fret though, next week’s going to spring you into action to such a degree you'll almost wish you could revert back to being depressed—but not quite. Scorpio October 23-November 21 The days of sloth and disgust- ing amounts of television are over Scorpio, and just in time for spring too. Get out of your pajamas, throw on a party dress, and take the night into your arms. This is the week to be who you've always wanted. /\ Sagittarius =” November 22-December 21 fs Sometimes being a bitch doesn’t get you what you want Sag, but this isn’t one of those times. Try flipping the bird to the guy driving too close behind you, or taking out your frustrations on the ATM machine because it won't let you take out money you don't have and the week will fly by in a snappy breeze. Capricorn December 22-January 19 Pay You feel like you're in a country Mien you dont speak the language and someone keeps trying to sell you a lunch plate that looks like your pet at home. It's. okay Capricorn; soon you'll catch on to the foreign language and you'll realize that Fluffy actually tastes pretty good. Iilustrations by J.J. McCullough Photo[graphic] Page 11