© "ther press >>> OPINIONS Suburban Graffiti EESHR! Dawn-Louise Mcleod OP Columnist Bored in suburbia? Well, hey dude, hacky sack and devil sticks are passé—grab a few idle rocks and build yourself an inukshuk! An inukshuk—for the uninitiated, that’s pronounced “ee-nuke-shuke” (rhymes with kook)—is one of those topply cairn-like anthropomorphic figures anywhere from five inches to twenty feet in height that is quick becoming an icon of Canadian grooviness. And no wonder—‘likeness of a person” is the rough translation from Inuktitut, the Inuit language. Inukshuks are rearrangements of the existing envi- ronment, markers to guide sustenance-seeking trav- ellers through an otherwise-featureless landscape. Though usually made of nearby rock slabs, in a pinch other materials can be substituted. Stuck in a Safeway line-up, for example, | use National Enquirers and Oh Henry bars to build them on the rubber conveyer belt. The initial West Coast sighting of an inukshuk was in 1987 at English Bay, where the Northwest Territories had generously plunked the Expo 87 leftover. Judging from its prominence on travel webpages, this particular inukshuk is internationally famous. But for years my family and | ignorantly called it an eeshk. And, | regret to say, it was there my ex-husband and | first kissed. Thanks to that memory, I’ve never really liked the eeshk. But lately I’ve been seeing its multitudinous off- spring everywhere. My girls brought sticky versions back from Brownie camp, tokens of the leaders’ hip craftiness. | spotted a guy in downtown Vancouver building inukshuks while passersby gave him money— a new spin on squeegee kids. A few small inukshuks have even appeared in the centre of my coveted swim- ming hole, a nearby lake. And on a recent weekend retreat at a friend’s oceanside villa near glamorous Powell River, | noticed moss-covered stone figures fes- tooning each curve and dip of the rock-slathered cliffs. “They've been here ever since | was a kid,” said my host. (That explained the moss.) | envisioned genera- tions of children being restrained from knocking the inukshuks over. “Young lady, you’re just a stone’s throw away from being grounded,’ might have been the parental rebuke. My Google search yielded a few surprising results. Microcell Communications Inc., kennel for that yappy little Fido, has a subsidiary company named Inukshuk. Inukshuk is a popular commercial name. There is an Inukshuk kayak, Inukshuk consult- ing firm, Inukshuk environmental planning firm, and I’m sure it won’t be long before McDonald’s sells The Big Inukshuk. An inukshuk game forms part of some writer's online portfolio (but if the name of the game is not lame, the game itself is). For those too spoiled to build their own inukshuk, shop online at Inukshukman for the perfect corporate brownnosing gift or little chunk of Canada for rock-deprived tourists. With a starting price point of $19.95 (plus shipping and taxes), somebody’s making a killing by picking up rocks and gluing them together—another fine exam- ple of Canuck initiative. One of my seven-year-olds explains the lure of inukshuk building: “You find all these big rocks, and when you put one on top of another you have to make sure it stays there or you’re going to have to find a different rock—maybe even a different shaped one. The eeshk can get as big as you want until the whole thing falls over and you have to start again. Isn’t that fun, Mom?” Rock on, Sysiphus. You know, he’s the guy the gods doomed to futile and hopeless labour. Ready to upshuk? Send your comments to iconoclastcom @ yahoo.ca THIS MONTH’S QUESTION: in the courses you wanted for September? ini mail.com The Other Press Opinion Poll Did you manage to get registered Email your vote and comments to RESULTS: LAST MONTH’S QUESTION: Do you or would you like to view pornography to "spice up" your relationship? YES 50% NO 50% Number of votes cast by email: 2 (Hey —that’s double last month’s number!) As for comments by email, one voter said, "YES!!!" while the other said, "No—unless | or my partner were featured in that pornography ;)" Thanks for vot- ing you two. As for the rest of you, | guess you were too busy watching...sports.