INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / October 1, 1991 In response to his dress code concerns, Peter Sanderson was presented with appropriate Friday attire at the September 17 management meeting. Faded Levis and a tacky shirt! Ecology continued from page 6 carried out and dispersed very quickly,” he says. “But then you get into the ethical and philosophical problems. Do we want to send the message that it is okay to dump untreated sewage when we are trying to convince others to close loops and reduce such practises? So, from the scientific side it is perfectly safe, but that’s not the whole story.” Schaefer isn’t surprised that en- vironmental issues are finally receiving major attention. “The greenhouse effect and ozone depletion have given the environmental movement a life- threatening tone. It’s no longer an issue of just leaving the city and moving to the country to get away from pollution. There is no place to go.” During his leave, Schaefer edited two studies on Victoria’s environ- ment, began planning establish an ecological walking tour of down- town Victoria, and taught two urban ecology courses. “The stu- dents were my best teachers. They were from economics, political science, geography and sociology, so we explored issues from many directions. We searched for options instead of looking for ‘the’ answer. There is no single answer.” Schaefer believes his ex- perience will also help Douglas College’s new Institute of Urban Ecology. The College has been set- ting up special environmental projects since 1983, funded by private and government agencies. The projects employ students and community workers. The new in- stitute is designed to formally administer and promote such activities. FALL SEMESTER INFORMATION SESSION SCHEDULE October 1-14 Au sessions start promptly at times advertised and are approximately 1/2 - 2 hours in length. Sessions are free, pre-registration is not required. All sessions are held at the New Westminster Campus unless stated otherwise. University Transfer - Science University transfer program to SFU, UBC, UVIC. Tuesday, Oct 1, 1630 hours room 2804 HEATHER. General Information Session For all programs, Wednesday, Oct2, 1000 hours room 1717 HEATHER. Eary Childhood Education Wednesday, Oct 2, 1400 hours room 1717 LESLIE. Office Admin. Certificate Prog. (Financial, Legal, Medical and Office). Friday, Oct 4, 1000 hours Room 1717 DIANA. Community Support Worker (Full-time and part-time). Monday, Oct 7, 1630 hours room 2804 LESLIE. General Nursing Monday, Oct 7, 1900 hours room 2223 DIANA. University transfer - P.E. University transfer programs to SFU, UBC, UVIC. Wednesday, Oct 9, 1400 hours room 1717 LESLIE. Business Management Career Prog. Friday, Oct 11 1000 hours room 1717 DIANA. & Tuesday, October 1, Thursday, October 3, EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM For your information, WILSON, BANWELL & ASSOCIATES will be providing orientation sessions to all interested employees. Employees can attend any one of three sessions. 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm 9:00 am - 10:00 am To ensure there is adequate space, please pre-enroll by contacing the Personnel Department to confirm your attendance. Sessions will be held in the Boardroom - 4th Floor, South Building, Room 4920.