PD. BULLETIN College-wide Professional Development Committee ROLE AND FUNCTION STATEMENT I. Introduction The College-wide Professional Development Committee has reviewed its role in co-ordinating professional development activities within the College and has developed the following set of statements in an effort to clarify its role and function. IIl. Background The need for professional development for faculty has been widely accepted in the past and Article 14 of the Collective Agreement describes the responsibility for providing professional development leadership, funds and recommendations. However, no strategic plan for the management of the resulting professional development program exists, and the college- wide joint advisory committee established by virtue of Article 14.03(c) lacks the guidance of a role and function statement. To-date this joint advisory committee has consisted of two DKFA represent- atives-at-large and two administrators. It has tended to concentrate on planning and executing a college-wide conference in May of each year. © Some years, the committee has been more ambitious and co-ordinated a series of workshops during semester-time and has occasionally published a professional development bulletin. The major focus, nonetheless, has always been on providing a single high-quality conference. The committee has remained separate from the activities of the various departmental professional development committees, and no co-ordinated plan for providing professional development at all levels of the College has been formulated. This committee comprised of only four members is often unable to adequately carry out its duties. The faculty members are too few to effectively represent the wide-diversity of faculty professional development desires and needs. III. Definition of Professional Development Professional development is here defined as any activity performed by | a faculty member, outside normal teaching/servicing duties and departmental : responsibilities, that develops a faculty member's professional competencies. Such development will be primarily achieved by pursuing activities that: a) maintain the currency of subject knowledge b) improve performance of faculty duties c) maintain and improve instructional skills