es | THE MAD HATTER £ A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in eo summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey Campus | Telephone: 588-4411, Local 283 Notice Board TO: | MAD HATTER July 10, 1978. FROM: Derek R. Francis RE: Surrey Campus Librarian Janice Friesen has been seconded to the Ministry of Education as the RECON Project co-ordinator for the period July 1, 1978 to March 31, 1979. This Project is a component of the British Columbia Union Catalogue Project. The RECON mponent involves the conversion to machine readable format of the entire catalogue record of all British Columbia college libraries. I am pleased to announce that Sylvia Bell has been appointed to replace Janice for that time period as Circulation and Systems Librarian, and Surrey Campus Librarian. Derek R. Francis, Acting Director of Libraries. DRF/ gb FOR SALE eo - Canon EX automatic - $150 '72 Ford Cortina, 4-dr. sedan - $1250, or best offer - call 596-9345. h Al] Full-time & Part-time Faculty: Because of current chaotic conditions on hall our campuses....(office switches, campus switches, etc.) everyone should check’ to make sure any printing jobs they have requested for , delivery up to now have been received. : The printshop is presently up-to-date on 3all its work, so if you have requested work for any date up to July 14, you should now have it. If you haven't, you-should first check syour former office, and any other campus or place it might be, then the campus supervisors HConcerned, before contacting the printshop at local 227S. Thanx ~---Tom Rosamond Re: Request for Reserve Lists The deadline for submitting requests for the placement of items on Reserve is August 10, 1973. The "Request for Reserve" forms are available at the circulation desk in each campus library. Please give com- plete information on the forms to ensur quick processing. We wish to process the majority of the Reserves before the start of the semester. This enables us to respond to emergency requests and the requests of sessional faculty. If the deadline # is not met, processing could take up to three weeks from the date that the "Request for Re ” are sub- mitted OUGLAS COLLERE LIFRERY ARCHIVES Reserves are not available at Maple Ridge and Langley. All library mater- dials held at these locations are on a reduced loan period of one week. If you are unaware of the policies that affect the placement and removal » of Reserve items please contact the y Reserves Assistant on your home campus — Trudy Dirk Donna Stimson - Tove Luers - Carol Hanson wAwWwWAQA I