DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARIES ENCYCLOPEDIAS FOR SALE The following items have been replaced in the collection by newer editions and are offered for sale on a reserve price bid basis: 1 set Encyclopedia Americana 1970 30 volumes reserve price $130.00 1 set Encyclopaedia Britannica 1970 24 volumes reserve price $120.00 1 set Collier's Encyclopedia 1970 24 volumes reserve price $100.00 3 sets Encyclopedia Canadiana 1970 10 volumes reserve price $ 45.00 Bids will be accepted from 9:00 a.m. Monday, October 27 to 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 31, 1975. Bids should be in writing, marked "Encyclopedia sale", and delivered to Derek Francis, Surrey campus Library. All bids will be stamped with date and time of receipt. Identical bids will result in sale to the first bid received. Derek Francis, Assistant Librarian Technical Services ea re ee a “1 4 PS ra yey ~ 3 ? ‘ at it Ae SIGNS & PORTENTS ¢.4. yy. vo>. Six reasons why history may soon become herstory ESTS by a highly respected New York-based research organization have finally, confirmed what wise men long suspected and wise women kept to themselves: in just about every area of human ene deavor except brute strength, the female of the spe~ cies is either equal to or superior to the male. The nonprofit Johnson O’Connor Research Foun- dation Inc., which has been conducting aptitude tests since 1922 and now has 12 facilities scattered across the U.S,, has narrowed learning ability down to 22 basic aptitudes. Men excel in only two of them — strength of grip and structural visualization, Of the remaining 20 aptitudes, 14 can be accom- “plished equally well by either sex. This group in- ‘cludes such basic abilities as analytical and inductive reasoning, design and number memory, and general ‘knowledge. That leaves six learning fields where women per- form measurably better than men. And to make mat~ fers worse for die-hard male chauvinists, they are all saptitudes that can be a considerable asset in manage- ment. The six: 3 @ Graphoria or accounting ability, a definite as- set in auditing and statistical work, @ Ideaphoria or the ability to come up with ideas quickly, verbalize them clearly, and persuade others to adopt them, The boardroom advantages are obvi- ous, @ Silograms or the ability to form associations between known and unknown words, useful in earning languages and professional terms. = @ Observation or skill at discerning small changes jn detail, i “; @ Finger dexterity, which speaks for itself, ‘+ @ Abstract visualization or the ability to deal with abstract concepts. ' Theoretically women should be running the world.