‘ 6960 Salisbury Ave. #C12 Burnaby 1, B. c. V5E 227 Phone 521-0686 Dear Sir or Madam: fund raising will have far reeching results among the parents and Children of these families, We will thankyou for pny word given out about the follow- ing announcement, Single Parents organizations of the lower mainland are Sponsoring their 5th annual Big Brothers Dance to be held June 22nq, at St. Mary's Hall, 5252 Joyce Road, just down from Kingsway. The hall is open to 21] at 8P.M. Dancing starts at 9 P.M. The Black Velvet Show Band, recording artists will return for their second ' and spot prizes will be given out. One of the prizes will be there to present one of the prizes. Ted Peck's all day fishing trip with Ted Peck. Cost of admission is $3.0) in advance, and $3.50 at the door, Everybody 19 and over is invited, Last year as in pabt years, we had &freat success, The hope is for the Same this year, Please telephone 521.0686 for information as to where to buy advance tickets, Thank you, Sincerely yours, Bore a oA Dora Sanders, ds Publicity Choirman pAlS wuesbi' hy * ol JUNO 41974 fadi2atbs br SE—S b) ! . ae er