17 UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA COUNSELLING SERVICE GENERAL INFORMATION The University of Manitoba is located in the southern suburban area of Greater Winnipeg, which has a population of approximately half a million. The Counselling Service, now entering its tenth year of operation, serves a full-time student population of fifteen thousand. The service is centrally located in the modern University Centre Building, completed in 1971. The present staff is interdisciplinary, and consists of Director and Associate Director, one full-time Learning Skills Director, and eight additional counsellors, with training in Clinical, Counselling and Educational Psychology, Theology, and Social Work at both masters and doctoral levels. In addition, there are four support staff members, and numerous para-professionals and other. part-time personnel. The physical facilities include spacious and comfortable office areas, special purpose rooms, and a wide range of equipment such as video and audio machines, behavior modification devices, etc. Services currently offered by the Counselling Service include: - Counselling with individuals, couples and fanilies. - Vocational and psychological testing and interpretation, and a career information ltbrary. - Group programs such as: Personal growth and male/female comnunicatton encounter-style groups. "Stage Fright" groups for nervousness in public speaking, based on learning theory. Human Sexuality non-credit courses held in cooperation with the University Health Service. Career planning and Creative Job Search seminars. Wetght Reduction and Exercise programs. A Mature Students Support Group. A Learning Skills Centre which offers courses in Study Skills and English as a Second Language, a laboratory fo individual work on reading speed and comprehension, and persona tized assistance with writing difficulties ts also a part of the ervice.