Photo Poll What's the most outrageous thing you've done to get a guy or girl to go out with you? I pretended I forgot my purse in the back of his car after a date so I had an excuse to call him the next day. Mandi Higenbottam Got down on my knees and begged for a date in the mid- dle of a crowded mall. Keith Went down on my knees in the high school cafeteria. Kevin Khatibijah I gave half an acting class a massage so she would want one too. And she did. Omar Tapia Liebowitz Slipped him the tongue when he didn’t expect it. Dave’s friend $0}04d we] eaeg S¢xuality Learning about ovulation and women’s fertility Author of Louise Smith of Ovarian C Taking Charge of Your Fertility to speak at Douglas f you are a woman who is |e not to get pregnant, or if you just want to untangle the mysteries of ovulation and the menstrual cycle, don't miss this upcoming lecture by Toni Weschler, author of Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control and Pregnancy. Seattle-based Weschler, who is known for providing a fascinating window into the female reproductive system, will be speaking on Friday, October 23 from 7—9 pm. in lecture room 2201. Part of the game RONDELLE LASCORE hey frequent hockey arenas more than the players do, and are wherever the Sultans of Skate can be found. They are known by such derogatory terms as “pucks,” “puck bunnies,” and—in unenlightened Ontario—“‘dirties.” However, these people are a forgotten minority—even though they are as integral to the game of hockey as nets and cups. Little is known about this minority; for instance, few know that it is divided into two very distinct groups. The “offensive” sect of the puck minority throw themselves on the local hockey players, using mindless flirting to get mind- less sex. Of course this is a two way street, because the “victimized” hockey player onnection, who is sponsor- ing the evening, says that women’s health is tightly linked to ovulation. The activity of the menstrual cycle impacts breast health, bone den- sity, fertility, and risk for cardiovas- cular disease. Whether a woman is 18 or 48 years old, the timing of ovulation dictates Top; Weschler, éxpert many components on Women’s fertility Op File Photo ®xPlain the wor of her body's behaviour. A woman's knowledge of her time of ovulation is vital for achieving pregnancy, using appropriate birth control and determining perimenopause. Weschler’s book teaches women how to gain greater control of their own menstru- al and sexual health care and, in the process, reap benefits well beyond their fertility. Women looking for infor- doesn't offer much resist- ance at all to these advances. The “defen- sive” sect of the puck o minority actually caree about the hockey players, eventu- Linda Gretzky on a stick OP File Photo ally hoping to become a “girlfriend.” This sect of the puck minority has very few numbers and recently became endangered. To see this little known sect of Canadiana in action, attend a minor hockey game in a small town (the farther north, the better). Observe which girls are wearing team jackets and/or which ones sta- tion themselves outside the locker room door, hoping to catch the eye of one of the mation to strengthen their health care choices will not want to miss this talk. Weschler has begun the revol tion in womens awareness to co munity, universt radio and televi- sion audiences throughout Nor America. Using humour, anec- dotes and innoy; tive teaching ai she will clearly ings of women's reproductive systems. Tickets for this non-pro lecture are available from Women in Print (604-732- 4128), Canadian Childbirt Teaching Aids (604-462- 0457) and Ovarian Connection (604-513-006 Ticket cost is $15 or two fe $25, which will cover Ms. Weschler's travel expenses. players. Also, ; : getting the most attention this applies to bot males and females. Coaches try to restr or eliminate contact] between their playe and the pucks, but this is as futile as trying to keep two magnets apart. Eventually both parties will find a way each other. As much a part of hocke lore as Bobby Orr's goal an Gump Worsley, puck bunni are a little known part of t nations game, interesting c sidering how they seem to multiply year after year. Page 6 October 14 1998 The Other Press