pages ‘THE OTHER PRESS Books Okay , O.P. Will Stay Don’t be fooled by imita- tions! The Other Press is here to stay. the society between August 82 and’82 and 83. The soci- ety received $32,191 in | by DAN HILBORN “In keeping with the B.C. Society’s Act the Other Pub- ‘lications Society, organiza- tion board for the Douglas College student newspaper, has just completed it’s first financial audit since 1978. And while the books show a loss of $4,048 for last year, business manager Ernest Hawker asserts the society is in fine shape. The audit, compiled by Yada, Tompkins, Hum- phries and Company, exam- gross revenue while expen- ses equaled $36,275. The single largest budget item was wages and commisions, *totalling $10,794 for the stwelve month period. The auditors also compiled a list of recom- mendations _which would make the society’s book-. keeping easier. The society paid approximately $1,700 to have the books checked: out. Because the audit does not include revenue gained through the student levy tration, the deficit shown in the records has already been paid off. As of the date of the audit the society earned $13,510 in ‘advertising, $18,466 in activity fees (the levy payable during regis- tration) and $215 in miscel- laneous fees. Production expenses, in- cluding wages, were $24,844 and administrative _ costs were $11,431. Printing was the second most expensive item at $7,046. A complete financial re- port will be made to all Douglas College students when the society holds, it’s annual general meeting, THE OTHER PUBLIC Statement of ince for the year ende REVENUE Advertising ( Activity fees Miscellaneous EXPENSES Production Printing Supplies Wages and commissions Equipment Food and beverages ined the balance sheet for payable from January régis- March 15. Administration Bad debts AUDITOR'S REPORT Conferences and travel Insurance Membership fees Office and miscellaneous Otherthan review Prior period adjustment - Note 2 Professional fees Telephone To the Members The Other Publications Society We have examined the balance sheet of The Other Publications Society as at 31 August 1983 and the statements of income and expenses and members' deficit for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstance. TOTAL EXPENSES NET INCOME/(LOSS) FOR THE YEAR In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Society as at 31 August 1983 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting principles referred to in Note 1, applied, except for the change in the method of accounting for equipment purchases as explained in Note 2, on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. THE OTHER PUBLICATION Balance she CURRENT ASSETS as at 31 August Qewnyeine Cash Accounts receivable i Fealovrer +@. Prepaid expenses Approved by the Board ( 0 // ae This report was prepared with soy . Chartered Accountants Vancouver, B.C. CURRENT LIABILITIES 30 January 1984 Accounts payable the assistance of Ernest Hawker — Other Publications Society ‘Business Manager MEMBERS' EQUITY/(DEFICIT)