THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical _ and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 RSET NEWS BULLETIN College council chairman John Sutherland announced this morning the first admin- istrative level under the reassignment of administrative personnel. The decisions were finalized at a full meeting of college council Monday after- noon. Mr. Sutherland said he was pleased at the positive approach »f the adminis-— trative personnel during the difficult period of this decision-making and he had particular praise for the advisory committee of college council and faculty representatives, as well as the work done by the personnel committee of college council. The seriousness with which council ap- proached the task was reflected in the fact that it met on three different occasions to discuss the personnel com- mittee's recommendations, he noted. George Wootton commented on the thorough- ness with which council studied the pos- sible alternatives before arriving at the final, unanimous decision. He also had praise for the work done by the ad- visory committee. The first level of reassignment is: Bill Day, New Westminster Campus Prin- cipal; Bob Lowe, Surrey Campus Prin- cipal; Ken Moore, Langley Campus Prin- cipal; Don Porter, Richmond Campus Principal; Reg Pridham, Educational Services Dean; Marilyn Smith, Student Services Dean; Sheilah Thompson, Coquitlam Campus Principal; and Georg Wootton, College Principal. Work will begin immediately on reassign- ment to the seven vice-principal and four director positions, Mr. Sutherland said, with the general procedure to be the same as in the first level of re- assignment. "Dr. Wootton will hold discussions in the next week with administrators inter- ested in reassignment to one of these positions, and the advisory committee will begin its deliberations by mid- March. : "It is hoped council will be able to make its final decision before the first of April," he added. "Because of our decision at the beginning to take on the responsibility of making the final decision on reassignment, we recognize that not only George and the senior administration, but everyone in the college, has been under a strain. "We hope that with the coming decisions on the final level of reassignment, we will all be able to resume our momentum toward development of the college's services and facilities throughout our region," he concluded.