REGISTRATION FORM UNION: LOCAL NO. ADDRESS: TEL. NO. NAME OF SECRETARY: COURSES 1. Job Stewards! Training (Bulld- 8. Loabour's Past, Present and ing Trades) Future 2. Shop Stewards! Training (In- 9. The Citizen and the Law dustrial Unions) 10. Duties of Officers and Com- 3. Stewards! Training (Provin- mitteemen cial Government Employees) 11. Organizing 4. Stewards! Training (Federal ' j - Government Employees) 12. Labour's Role in the Com munity 5. Office Stewards’ Training (White Collar Workers) 13. Parllamentary Procedure 6. Collective Bargaining (In- is ESROGIS keg Seater dustrial Unions) 15: lobs, Income and the Cana- 7. Women in the Work Force dian Worker. lpo you ist 2nd ‘ REQUIRE NAME OF DELEGATE: CHOICE CHOICE DAY CARE FACILI- Course # Course # TIES? a eee . o~ SIGNATURE OF LOCAL UNION OFFICER. _ KINDLY FORWARD YOUR CHEQUE FOR REGISTRATION FEE(S) IN THE AMOUNT OF $15.00 PER DELEGATE AND REGISTRATION FORM(S?} NOT LATER THAN JANUARY 15, 1976, TO THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE, CANALIAN LABOUR CONGRESS, 112 EAST 6TH AVENUE, VANCOUVER, B.C. opeiu 225.