” Eleanor Roosevelt was a Dyke rite a at MEP in mfr ne Massach by Jerry Luke BOSTON(NLNS)— Typical history classes fai tomention same-sex relationshi ah when very prominent peo were involved. Ter st Ws relationshi = 1. Alexander the Great and Fiephaest ori rederick the Great and Hans von Katte 3. Marie dere and es deLam 4. Lawrence of aaah and Salim Achmed. Hededicated his famous work The Seven Pillars of Wisdom to “S.A.” 5. Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas. These famous vcd topether for 39 Ss er for 39 years. 6. Will a Carter and d Edith fa Chiter, the mee author a several frontier novels, longed oy toleavethedty, but s yed to be with her lover. 7. Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickock. The Roosevelts allowed each other to see women. Eleanor e invited Hickock tostay atthe Mansion during their long affair. 8. Susan B. Anthony and ickenson. Both were active in the abolitionist and suffrage movements. Susan became attracted to Anna after Sean 8 her impressive anti-slavery s 9. Rock Hudson and Marc Christian 10. Bob Paris and Rod ackson. These two uilders were married at an informal ceremony in 1989. Paris won the Mr. Universe and Mr. America titles in 1983. t Rod eo the ne Press a a ; >. ae (Source: The Thistle, MIT) Some terms used in this week’s focal orientation is most simply defined as one’s identification as homo-,hetero-orbisexual.In i it’s a bit more complicated, since people tend not to fall into clear-cut categories. Heterosexuali — to primarily, or exclusively, attra fomembersoftheo y ated Straight is one term used to refer to heterosexuals. It is often accepted as nonjudgemental slang for people ee orcompletely heterosexual. term is also used to mean “mainstream.” Queer, in the most eral sense, this word many peoplearenow reclaiming itin a positive and inclusive sense. Het is another a : term forheterosexual ie. Some people prefer this word to”straight” because Dyke Cartoonist has Loyal Following by Carol Rehnby NoreenStevens is Canada’s foremost lesbian cartoonist. Her strip,the Chosen Family, is published in 25 periodicals in Canada, the U.S and Australia. But you’d never knowit by reading the mainstream press. Like many openly. gay artists, Stevens has felt the brunt of the publishing world’s homopobia. Stevens is only too familiar with mainstream media’s refusal to touch fay and lesbian copy, particularily bian lifestyles. Stevens’ involvement with pay and lesbian rights has also pered her career. Mostrecently, a feature written about her for Winnipeg’s major daily was pulled because ofher'controversial activites: specifically her creation of a safe sex cartoon series which explicitly portrayed lesbian sexuality, and her design of a Winnipeg billboard that confronted homophobia. Stevens hasa largeand loyal following of dykes and fags{and a few rad hets),but despite her popularity in gay and women’s publications, her work is not paying the rent. She supports her ‘tooning habits through her graphic design business. Her skills as a graphic artist have been a boon to social service groups, women’s organisations and popular theatre, but what Stevens would really like to THE CHOSEN FAMILY do is to support herself as a comic artist. Mainstream media in her hometown of Winnipeg continue to blacklist Stevens. For recent publication in Ms., the prominent | negatively, gay by Noreen Stevens _ ESBIGAY Dictionary it does not imply “mainstream.” Homosexuality refers to being mostly or exclusively attracted to members of the same sex. Homosexual is a clinical term for ese _ who “manifest ty.” Many of us reject paar fe ah a and negative usage. Gay is a more accepted term for people who a ae pee: or exclusively, attracted to members of their own sex, In practice, this term is used to refer almost exclusively to . men. Lesbian is an accepted term for women who are primarily or exclusively attracted to women. It is preferred to “gay woman” because it validates the lesbian experience as one that is not merely a subset of the male experience. Bisexuality refers to being sensually or sexually attracted to members of all genders. Bisexual or Bi is a term for people attracted to members of all genders. wert s ee Lesbigayisenail-encon y for what is commonly d toas the “gay community,” or more cian referred toas the lesbiz gay and bi Closeted refers to peop! not public about their sexual orientation. This can mean actively hiding and/or lying about sexual orientation, orsimply refraining from talking about it. Coming out (of the closet) isa fairly broad term referring to various | of making oneself,andothers, aware of one’s sexual orientation. Hom is the fear or hatred of people due to their actual or perceived homosexuality. Heterosexism: sometimes preferred to the word homophobia because it puts the blame where it belongs, on | those heterosexuals who oppress others of a different sexual orientation. Homophobia leads todiscrimination and harassment. 7 THE GH@SEN FAMILY A WEiL? DEANNA, THE NEXT 1 NEW TENANT WHO DEMANGS ‘p! || CARE? ANYTHING FROM AE eT Tinie) TAKER WILL DIE. CAN | S. UDNS. ts Wel? You”, a Ie (a6 iM 4 is] I | Tweu AY KiToKeW UST A Life JOKE OM? Isnt THIS A 1 OROUbKT 400 A Bit ALARMIST? | PAMPHLES ON THE SARE TROUGRT THE Rigk Ctiuins Just CAVED in Bur ee of + sf A TAKE CARE OF IT GEX WORKS HOP TomokRow to oe wis eae OH 9 low, MYSELF . é Ses Mg A y 4, am Wo Lt : | £ wil OH, SURE TWATS BECOMING LESS AND LE TRE WE THE MORE WE = ALAR AL ITS REAUY «CH | I THtae ‘ NEED To Be TALXIe ABOUT SAFER o¢x Now tak Tee ¢RieR « Mlwure.i'M| |iMPoRTANT «= ERE | BE OTS of «= RT ME ‘hd TEAT, Mb MIPS BeLOMts A GREATER THREAT! IT Wiki GE SURE... TRAT 40 | AM PALIN. fou: WHERE Suu, REPO 14 aL Sibi, SERA oe e fut ROETIC SINGLE COMET Ginisie! wome WERE... y _esNoreen Fevers BI WD Cem fuat Wi CORSANLY SOBER- NO, NO. ONE OF THE ‘THe WOMAN WOMEN 0” FROM VAN- TiC PANEL? COUVER The IME | ‘ of fits WwW M¥ HAND | WAS Put = SUMMER | uve wl fia we WERE $0 Ar- | wouper [1 WONDER IF — KEnweti-| [uerp 64 stMe- ii" FoRbeT MK AN? | TRACTED To GACH MMM... iF HE'S REMEMBERS © MARIE! | NNERE QUIET 4¢ 52% Séx KT... of Got OMER Bur... He] | LATEX = §TILL CAN WE Cn TALK YOU Mig Ke | Pecewaut/ WAS INA Resa || ARVORED “IN A : + ff t | Rewationw RiP? | WONDER WHERE $HE'S American feminist periodical, and it qvr’ commun we've akCAN MADE | (AND ITLL 66 the launch of her first calendar, have Pe vt ov frum, ore, ee failed tosway them from their narrow “ avD, AS THE W- ers west conservatism. Although they 9% Aen x Kut AND Tew regularly champion localartists, they Ness VELOPED et have yet toacknowledgehertalentor ~ ene os = - ita \ the significant impact she has made , ON Tie BEDSIDE TABLE... << on her readership. The Uniter, student newspaper at the University of rll — Winnipeg, has been publishing Tees). ee" Steven’s cartoons for over two years. 0] Other student papers inCanadaare GATOS. beginningtopublishthestripaswell. —@ fm _ Gt folvets T T, fe SJALF JE IRIS IE 1x by Moreen Stew vens 50, WHATS — COT OFF Bor ENDS | CAN'T BELIEVE THE AND OPEN if UP... 115 (M poe THIS... ConDeM = THINNER, po A my PROBABLY Can't 0 DAH. a FEEL A ba et e& QUE S$] Statistically speaking... inJo cartoon characters |° is 94y, right ? ae | ny Noreen Stevens SHOP FAALITATER WITH juHOM 1 VST HAD BARRIER-FREE Sey AND IT DIDN'T 4 | BVEN QLCUR fo ME 10 MK ANY : oe Di YOU Tink ABovT r? BUT... Getone teat You SUPT WITH MEN. AND J Suz Witd ADRIAN LAST MONTH APTER 4c'D BEEN Wrtd MOMA WRO HAS A HISTORY OF PeDMis-} | | KNOW Bur... J CU AND pRie-KE. THe | a 15 IMPOG6IBLE 1 MesSane / # OST WANTED TO MAKE LOVE wht You... No FUMBLING.. . No BARRIERS... «| AN Wve. iTS HARD! fa] THREE HOURS AGO | WMS PARNCAPATiNG PACASURED RISK... cy) 1M A LESBIAN aFt-SET WoRKstOr.. A THOVGNT ABOUT OUR SexUAL Ship [1M LING In Tue ARMS OF Tat WORK: WiStORIES AWO FIGURED Bur... 113 no excuse / 1 Rlow! 115 MY Jos To Tet Fone THAT... BuT 115 THE RST TIME I'VE MADE LOVE WITH SOMEONE NEW 4INCE TitS BECAME TNE RISK hs MINIMAL... You've Just CoME OUT OF Two | Couceiatve vone-tenw MONOGAMOS RELATIONSHIPS AND Ive Been my Search for potential partners, I ask enyself who ave 3 ; they 2 PF : Sure, there dre lots of lesbian characters in dyke strips dnd that's at! But what abevt ur opressed, closeted brothers and SisterS--* Take Gathy here. She's had ental luck with men ...and these two sure seem to have a thing ing on ff x 4 SHE'S POLITICALLY - AWARE, INDEPENDANT, ay ke potential - ADD A YEARS AND. PICTURE HER IN YOUR BED, WASHED IN the forgery ua u arifinctont hone she'l/ be carrying.- Ne thanks! Yeah... } picture al/ @ Neva Zan