MAD HATTER PAGE 4 "PEARLS" The student editors of Pearls, the Douglas College student anthology of prose, poetry and graphics, will soon be distributing copies of the third edition of Pearls to faculty and staff. If you do not receive a copy and would like one, would you please contact Maurice Hodgson at Roam N312, (local 237). There are same copies of Volumes 1 and 2 still available. We hope to soon start campiling No. 4, so if you have any sub- missions, please take them to Roam N312. We hope you enjoy Pearls No. 3. The Vancouver YWCA Invites You To JUDY CHICAGO'S DINNER PARTY At the Glenbow Musuem in Calgary...A one day trip to view the most widely publi- cized "visual feast of the decade". FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 Judy Chicago describes The Dinner Party as “a reinterpretation of the Last Supper, fram the point of view of those who have done the cooking throughout It is brilliantly executed in needlework and ceramics and has stunned audiences fram San Francisco to Montreal. Calgary is anticipated to be the closest this work will ever come to Vancouver. Price $209.00, includes return airfare and tax, special luncheon, admission to the exhibition, and all transportation fram Calgary airport to the Convention Centre and return. To attend "The Dinner Party" in Calgary, call or write: John Brand, Atlas Travel Services Ltd., 1075 West Georgia St., Vancouver, B.C., V6E 3R9. Tel: 689-5811 LESSONS IN LIVIN...... The debate about the relevance of higher education would be helped if we remembered the distinction between instruction and education. Instruction teaches skills by which to earn a living. Education imparts values and perspective. Universities, after all, are supposed to teach "univer- sals". Do not ask, therefore, how education helps to make a living, ask how it helps to live. ».++-Murray Ballantyne in The Globe and Mail, Toronto UST ONE DAY’S PAY GOES A LONG LONG WAY. the Unfted Way