MAD HATTER 8 MEMORANDUM ols ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL From: VIRGINIA CHISHOLM November 28th, 1986 Re: LIBRARY HOURS The Library will revert to inter-session hours following the final exam on December 18th. The Library | will be closed between Christmas and New Year, to allow | all staff to take their remaining holidays as mandated. | Please note the following schedule: | Thursday, December 18 = open 0745 to 1800 Friday, December 19 - open 0830 to 1630 Monday, December 22 - open 0830 to 1630 Tuesday, December 23 = open 0830 to 1630 Wednesday, December 24 through Thursday, January lst CLOSED © Friday, January 2 oa open 0830 to 1630 Monday, January 5 = open 0830 to 1630 Tuesday, January 6 c open 0830 to 2000 Wednesday, January 7 - open 0830 to 2000 Thursday, January 8 cs open 0830 to 1630 Friday, January 9 - open 0830 to 1630 Monday, January 12 - open 0745 to 2200 Should these hours create problems for you, please contact me and I will endeavour to provide suitable access. =~ Virginia Chisholm VC: rh